The best part of moving

The best part of moving is that I have a whole new space to decorate! My goal is to make the new house our home with a very small budget, and yes I now hear you think “why on earth there’s a Smeg refrigerator on this moodboard?!” Well, the only expensive item we permitted ourselves is the purchase of our first pale blue Smeg refrigerator. We already decided that we wanted a Smeg in our new home, wherever we will end up. We can always go live in it.

Het mooie aan verhuizen is dat ik een hele nieuwe ruimte heb om in te richten! Mijn doel is om dat zo goedkoop mogelijk te doen en ja, ik hoor je nu denken “waarom staat er dan in vredesnaam een Smeg koelkast op dit moodboard?!”. Wel, het is de enige dure aanschaf die we ons hebben gepermitteerd…onze eerste-echte-lichtblauwe-Smeg! We bouwen ons definitieve huis er desnoods omheen en we kunnen er altijd nog in gaan wonen.


Wallpaper – Pip Studio

Screenprinted poster – SlideSideways

Showercurtain – H&M Home

Rug – H&M Home

Bastis hook – Ikea

Smeg refrigerator

Fun on Sunday

Carried around those cool paper bags in your suitcase the entire holiday? Did they eventually ended up somewhere underneath a pile of paper in your studio?
Why not frame them?

Heb je de hele vakantie die gave papieren tassen meegezeuld, eindigen ze toch ergens in een stapel papier in je studio. Waarom lijst je ze niet in?

Moving moodboard

With my beloved decorations packed in boxes, I search Etsy for my daily eyecandy.
Again five incredibly talented Etsians, you can find their shops here:

Rainbow factory duo – PearsonMaron
Rabbit portrait – Intheforest
Hand drawn plate Blue Bear – Jimbobart
Cage and cloud – Remakeshop
Dreaming of Spring flowers purse – Karenmeyers

*Click to enlarge!*

Circus Bongo

I came across this little circus on my way home. It looks just like those circuses from the old days, the ones I read about when I was little. It gave me such a nostalgic feeling.

Look at those details:
I truly hope this is an animal-free circus (for I read such horrible stories about performing-animals) or, if they have ‘em, they’re well treated.

Our little happy camper

We have a small lightroom to photograph items in. Especially during the dark Winterdays it comes in very handy, for you can’t make good pictures without good light. The lights on each side of the room get very hot, so the lightroom itself heats up too. Our little creature from Planet Fur loves heat…so what’s nicer than to take a nap in your own heated little tent?

We hebben een fotostudio voor het fotograferen van kleine spullen. Dit is erg handig gebleken tijdens de donkere winterdagen, omdat goed licht dan erg schaars is. De lampen aan elke kant van het studiootje worden erg warm, dus de studio zelf warmt ook behoorlijk op. Ons kleine wezen van Planeet Vacht houdt erg van warmte…dus wat is er fijner dan een dutje doen in je eigen verwarmde tent?