Think I’ll start a riding school

I quit horseback riding a couple of years ago. I was not what you would call a natural talent, but I still love those giants with their droopy eyes and large noses with which they want to sniff your hand first before you start cuddling them. On my riding school, there was this Tinker horse called Buffalo and he was my absolute favorite. He had such a gentle spirit. He wasn’t listening to my attempts to make him listen during class at all, but he loved to cuddle after class and I just loved him to bits. I don’t know what became of him, but now I’ve started making horses I couldn’t resist making a little Buffalo. I hope he’s doing fine and that he can still stretch his beautiful black and white legs in the grass-lands after a hard days work on the riding school.

Salvador, unicorn’s little brother

I could call this post Shop Update, but that would suggest there are loads of new Planet Fur family members added to the shop and that’s just not true. Making PF little creatures takes time and most of them stay a while at our planet just to hang out with other family members before they fly out to all corners of the world.
So…meet Salvador, unicorn’s little brother! He can’t fly, but he’s not that into flying (he’s afraid of heights, actually). He likes to graze in wide green grass-lands and loves a pat on the head once in a while too. He’s ready to leave our home, so available in the shop now!

Molly and Lolly Sunday

They share their light chin color, but Lolly wins the largest-snout-and-nose competition. In the end, however, on the scale of cuddlyness, Molly wins.

Ze hebben dezelfde lichte kleur op hun kin, maar Lolly wint de wie-heeft-de-grootste-snuit-en-neus-wedstrijd. Toch uiteindelijk, op de schaal van knuffeligheid, wint Molly met giga-voorsprong.

Happy chic house tour

Every time I visit this friend’s house, I’m stunned by the fact that she manages to decorate her home in such a loose, almost nonchalant way. Decorating just comes natural with this lady. We go back a long time and every house she moved into, she turned into a true home, with her handwriting written all over it. Maybe it’s because we have a similar taste, maybe it’s because of the “looseness” of her interior, but every time I left her beautiful homes my head could burst because of the loads of new inspiration. So…when I visited her last week I asked her if she would mind if I’d write a small post about her beautiful home? She kindly allowed me to. Thanks sweet lady, you’re the best!

Elke keer als ik deze vriendin bezoek, ben ik weer onder de indruk van de manier waarop ze op een bijna nonchalante en losse manier haar huis geweldig inricht. Inrichten is een soort tweede natuur voor haar, het is niet gekunsteld of heel erg bij elkaar bedacht. We kennen elkaar al heel lang en waar ze ook woonde, elk huis werd bijzonder door haar unieke interieurstempel. Misschien komt het omdat we dezelfde smaak hebben, misschien komt het door de “lossigheid” van haar interieur, maar elke keer als ik uit haar huis vertrek loopt mijn hoofd over van de inspiratie. Dus toen ik vorige week bij haar was, brandde er één vraag op mijn tong: “Mag ik je huis fotograferen voor mijn blog?” Gelukkig zei ze ja. Bedankt lieverd!

Photos from top to bottom:

At the left: a slice of tree works perfect as a cocktail table
At the right: dining table, made by the misses herself with wooden leftovers of a nearby factory (how cool is that?)
A corner in the kitchen with spots of red
Sweet little birdy with a cross-stitched back decorates a lamp
At the left: soft natural colors match with fresh Spring-green outside

At the right: corner on the windowsill

Candy colors

Can’t have enough of this kind of candy!
You wouldn’t want to miss out on the details of these beauties, so click to enlarge!


I love Virginia – digital print by q.a. design
Round the corner – set of magnets by Studio Fludd