New decor

Beauty can be found in unexpected places. After working on the necklace I put it down for a while and it appeared to match wonderfully with the book underneath it. I don’t want to write about Autumn already (and upset the sun-loving readers here ;-)) but these colors have such an Autumny feel that I just can’t wait for the leaves to fall and the days to get colder………….
Just pretend you didn’t read that, okay?

Original title of the book is New Decor, written by Elizabeth Wilhide. I have not yet found time to give it a good read, but flipping through it, I think it’s another very inspirational book about color and pattern. That said, I devour every book or magazine about interior styling, color or pattern, so I might not be the right person to base an opinion on ;-)

Etsy birds

After volunteering at a birdrescue centre, my love for these sweet creatures has grown ever since. Luckily enough, the office I work is located at a place where birds thrive (in the middle of grasslands). The swallows for example, build their nests exactly above the place we park our bicycles. You can imagine the look on my face when I discovered baby-swallowpoo on my saddle the other day :-D
So, a bird-themed Etsy selection today. I don’t just love birds, I also love the way these creative people use them as an inspiration for their beautiful work!
Above from left to right:
Handmade Bird Mobile – Aet2002
Origami art, Peace Crane Poster – Fieldtrip
Below from left to right:
Bourgeois Vintage Tropical Bird Planters – BrightWallVintage
Painting, Bird with a pointed hat – BeerLaLa

Have a great weekend!

This is SO cool!

Oh my! One of my dear customers was kind enough to sent me some pictures of my bunny wedding cake topper live in action. I can’t explain how cool it is to see your own work on top of a wedding cake on the other side of the world.

The bunnies blend wonderfully with the sweet little succulents (such a wonderful idea!) and the cake decoration, like they’ve always meant to be there. I especially love the picture taken from behind, overlooking the party and the wedding guests. It looks like it was a smashing party and my bunnies were part of it. I’m so proud and honored!

Thank you Katie, for sending me these wonderful pictures! You’re the best!

To be real honest

If I’m really really honest, I don’t like cats in my bed. I do like cats (how surprising), but not the bulks of hair they seem to loose every minute of the day. Sometimes I look at Molly when she sleeps (and does not move) and even then hairs fall off her little body.

There’s only one problem with my principle. Molly is too sweet. I can’t resist her. I tried to forbid her to jump on our bed on Sunday mornings, but I just can’t. Her sweetness is her secret weapon, it makes you weak and say “aaaahhh…sweeeet” at everything she does…and allow her to do it anyway.

So…she may sit on our bed on Sunday morning. As long as I can take a picture of her sleeping for my Molly blogposts.

What the world needs now…

After seeing the Austin Powers International Man of Mystery movie, this songtitle got a whole new feeling, but for this post I just mean it like it once was written for: this world need love, loads of love. Sometimes your day gets brightened by sweet gestures, like the day that I received these lovely vintage pot-holders from Ingrid of Ingthings. I wanted to sent her something back to thank her, but instead she replied she just likes it to surprise people with nice presents..and surely did not want something in return. Well, the least I can do is write something about this sweet lady and her lovely, lovely blog. I love the way she writes about everyday life. Her blog is in Dutch, but is sure worth watching, she makes beautiful pictures too!