Earth inspired colors (or just wonderful new Etsy finds)

I added a lot of new items to my Etsy favorites list and would like to share the most beautiful ones with you here.


Beerlala Flowers 04 – Beerlala
(Yes, again, but I’m so thrilled she decided to paint her beautiful flowers in smaller sizes!)
Nice for dogs – Elizabeth Pawle

Have a lovely weekend! Mine will be filled with a lot of DIY projects, since we got the key to our new home last week… Hope yours will be less tiring ;-D

How Jumbo Lotto changed my life

Funny how ordinary things can be a source of inspiration. I found the Jumbo Lotto with the fab pictures a while ago and the colourpalette of it’s pictures inspired me to make the moose. Children in the 60s and 70s where so lucky: they did not have to search for ages in thriftstores for vintage games with wonderful designs like these, but could buy them on every corner in the street during those days. Pity I did not realise how groovy those designs were (brought them to thriftshops in the 80s and 90s just to buy them back 10 or 20 years later)!

If I was a rich girl…

…I would buy the letters “O-h-my-g-o-s-h-t-h-i-s-i-s-g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s” in this shop. Questions like “Would it be strange to cover a whole wall with this alphabet?” and “Would my husband still love me if I did that?” buzz through my head when I keep clicking to another lovely print.

I don’t know why I did not find this talented girl’s work earlier, but hey, better late then never! Pilgrim is her name (such a cool name!) and Draw!Pilgrim is the name of her shop. Beside checking out her Etsy, you really really should take a peek at her blog (don’t miss out on the housetour!). Needless to say she loves the style of the 60s and 70s and I love the way fun seemes to be written all over her work. To be short, during rainy days like these, this kind of artwork lets the sun shine through.

Yes people, as you can see, I’m a little bit enthusiastic here. So don’t waste any time and hop over to her shop! Have a lovely day!

Matisse to Malevich

Yesterday we went to the Hermitage in Amsterdam to finally visit the “Matisse to Malevich” exhibition. The collection of paintings originated with the famous Russian collectors Morozov and Shchukin and it is the first time this collection is displayed in The Netherlands. Fortunately, it wasn’t a very big exposition (about 75 paintings and I skip the ones I don’t like ;-)), because I always use an audioguide and it can be a very tiring process if you want to listen to all the information that comes with every painting ;-) I especially liked the story behind a painting called “The red room” by Matisse: Shchukin ordered the painting as “Harmony in blue” because that would fit nicely in his diningroom. Matisse decided red would give the painting a more stunning effect and overpainted the blue with red. The Russian bought it anyway. If I would pull off a trick like that on my work I’d get fired, artists get famous by such actions. Love that.

On the way to the museum I stumbled upon the house with the spectacular window. It’s a very extreme substitute for curtains, but it’s original and I appreciate it when people think ‘outside the box’. At the left the sun. We hadn’t seen that one for ages here. Below my favourite painting in the whole collection: “Dishes and fruit” (1901) by Matisse. The’s gorgeous (and even more beautiful in real life).

More rain or another one in the Tomado series

Aaah well…it rained so much today I decided to add some drops to the picture. Very Andy Warhol I’d say. (Take a bunch of Campbell’s soupcans, put them next to each other and put them in a museum: where on earth did the guy find the inspiration for that? :-))

But back to the picture: I stumbled upon a couple of spark new Tomado tins a couple of weeks ago (I almost thought they were fake, they looked too good!). Most funny part of the whole thing is that we once had a big version of this one at our home. My mother brought it to a thriftshop because I didn’t recognize it’s beauty at that moment (I was 16 and more interested in boys, harhar).

Last, in the categorie “this does not fit in any way in this article, but I want to say it anyway”: I’m currently listening to the “Into the wild” movie soundtrack. It’s the first solo studio album by Pearl Jam vocalist Eddie Vedder and it’s just sheer beauty. Just if you’re in the mood to try some new music some day, like me.