
One of our grandparents moved to an elderly home and couldn’t take all her furniture with her. She was kind enough to let us all pick something of her belongings to take home and I, of course, picked the doilies.
I haven’t got the faintest idea what to do with them (I’m not that creative), but piled up like this they’re very photogenic!
Four more weeks and we can finally move to our new home. It’s still noisy and dirty there, so I decided to take a day off and prepare for the Woonbeurs tomorrow and shoot some pictures. I can’t wait to get back to our normal life, if only to see my Love a bit more. He’s turning into a real construction worker, I almost didn’t recognize him today between the other (real, for-a-living) workmen. Secretely, like every other man, he loves to walk in the same dirty, smelly clothes for weeks and weeks on…ieieie!

Here’s one that can take Sunday rest

I’m soo jealous of her.

She can
and purr
while her new home gets reconstructed.

It’s unfair!

I want to reincarnate as a cat.

Do you feel that?

…It’s the wind of change.

A while ago I met up again with a couple of creative ladies. This time we reviewed each other’s websites, which was very useful, for for me as a perfectionist it’s difficult to look at my own website and have an objective opinion about it (I suppose everybody with his own website experiences that). As I wrote before, my opinion about my work changes with the day, so if I would listen to my inner self, I would have a gothic themed blog today and a bright and happy one tomorrow. Waste of time. :-D

One of the important feedback I got was that my logo did not quite made clear what Planet Fur is about: one of a kind felt items to cheer up any place. So..I made a couple adjustments…and I’m even not that displeased with them ;-)

Now a little explanation to the logo in the picture: I’ve been invited to be at the Woonbeurs in Amsterdam to demonstrate my work at the ‘101 Woonideeën huis’ at Thursday the 30th of September. It’s such an honor, since 101 Woonideeën is one of my favourite Dutch design magazines. So, if you’re planning to pay the Woonbeurs a visit, you know were to find me!

My safe zone

This is my safe zone.
It’s so nice to come home here after a long day in a noisy, dusty, dirty, cluttered house filled with workmen. (Don’t get me wrong, I love that they take a lot of work off our hands and they are really nice, but I don’t like their taste of music and that they make my toilet look like a dirty public loo…ieieie.)

Within a couple of weeks, we are actually gonna live in that house (I’ll clean the toilet first), and then it will be the opposite: this house will be a big mess filled with boxes…and the other one will become our home.

I wouldn’t have dare to dream we’d find our dreamhome this year already. But at the moment I’m too excausted to be excited…or to write an inspirational blogpost. I think I’m gonna take a nap for an hour or 48.
Good night (and good luck ;-))!

The beauty in reconstructing

Is there any beauty to find on our construction site? Not the kind of beauty that I heart, but here and there I managed to take some nice shots. I’m constantly worrying we won’t be able to finish the whole project in time, since we only have two hands to make it all happen…and let’s not forget about the hands of dear family and friends that help us. These kind of days remind me how many lovely friends and family we can rely on, it warms my heart.

The days go by in a rush, so please forgive me for not blogging as regular as I’m used to. My next post will contain something more interior-inspired, for our temporary home is still very tidy, clean and dust-free…thank God.

Above: painting a very 70’s brick wall white (it turned out lovely!) Beneath: breaking down the bathroom with a huge sledge-hammer. What is that with men and heavy equipment?