Our livingroom

It feels like everything comes together in this house.

A DIY-free weekend ahead of us…at last.
Wish you a lovely weekend, enjoy!

D-Day (or B-Day)

Today is my personal D-day. Tomorrow I’m turning 29, I can’t believe I’m actually going to enter the land of 30 in about a year. All these crazy questions go through my head. Would it hurt? Would I be even more dramatic about it than I already am? Would I have to get mature all of a sudden?

Fortunately Molly tried to distract me from my thoughts this New Year’s Eve by jumping onto the kitchensink for the first time of her life (she isn’t much of a jumper, but I think she wanted to make a gesture). As much as I appreciate the thought, I had to punish her for doing it. (Shu! Shu! Get off! Bad girl!)

Pity that the magic of celebrating your birthday fades when getting older. But even though it’s not like 20 years ago, I’ll still feel very special and festive tomorrow. And eat loads of cake before I turn 30 and fat ;-D

At the right: the cupboard’s one of the first things to be ‘up and running’ again of course!

A sneak preview of our new home

Like the break of dawn.

After a couple of very emotional weeks, we finally moved into our new home. And we-are-so-happy-here. I’m even cheerful whilst writing this post on a laptop in a drafty hall, sitting on a tiny chair, ‘cause that is the only way to be online at the moment.

At the left a sneak peek into our sparkin’ new kitchen. I’m planning to make loads and loads of new pictures of our palace the next couple of days, so check back often!
It’s so good to be back. I’ve missed you all.

Lightning crashes..

…an old father dies

Live, “Lightning crashes”, Throwing Copper

My grandfather passed away last week.
I’ve waited long to type these words, for I just can’t believe we have to move on without him.
The world seems so cold and dark now. I know there will come a day when I can smile thinking of him. But all I can do now is cry.

He will be terribly missed.

The Bunnykins

They’re so much fun to make! Once in a while I feel like making one and can’t stop sewing until it’s finished. The only thing I have to think of now is a name for my new collection of bunnies.

This little fellow has a beautiful back too, but Photoshop stopped working this morning. I’m not even gonna try to upload two images in this post with Blogger, for I think that might result in a huge hardware massacre (I can be a bit feisty at moments). This little fellow will be available in the shop once it opens again for the Autumn and Winterseason!