She’s alive and kicking

It hasn’t been Molly Monday (or Tuesday..Wednesday..) here for a while on Planet Fur, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t been her sweet and cuddly self the past time.
She’s actually already very used to her new home and made the livingroom her private domain. She already de-furred very much on every chair in the room (“Hey, are those cushions grey? No, Molly slept on those”) and she very much likes to sit in the large front windows and intimidate birds. (Or likes to think she intimidates them. And even if she’d grab one..what was she supposed to do with that short jaw?)

We can safely conclude she’s her happy self again after the removal :-)

Up close and personal with my new kokeshi doll

I don’t know what attracts me so in these Japanese figurines,
but I can definitely feel a collection coming up.
I found this sweet lady on Etsy,
and another one is on her way to our home too.
(This may sound weird, but I just recently discovered the vintage section in Etsy. My Love is still making up his mind if that’s a good thing or not..he’s afraid I’m turning into some strange figurine-hoarder.)

If you’re a fan too check out these Flickr photostreams:
Otomodachi (my recent favourite)
Kokeshi fever Flickr group

This is where the magic happens

Ever seen MTV cribs? The MTV program where celebrities show their homes? All those houses look the same to me: refridgerators filled with gallons of orange juice, a kitchen that looks like no one ever cooked one meal in it, home cinemas, at least a dozen too big and too shiny cars in the garage and, I’m sorry, overall most of the time very unoriginal and uninspired interiors. The only thing I find very entertaining about the whole program is the fact that a. we never seem to know the VIP that proudly shows the audience around and b. once they step into the bedroom they put on a serious face and say “this is where the magic happens”. I think it’s hysterical.

So..this picture shows you where our magic happens. Or just the place where I like to crash down after a long day…can’t wake up in the morning…

Where I hung my latest treasures: a little painting I inherited from my late grandfather and a little embroidery of a birdy on a branch. That’s what’s magic to me: a clean, serene place where I can relax and come to rest. Nothing more, nothing less. can guess what we say to friends when showing them the bedroom… :-D

The Blankity Bunnykins

Yes, the one and only ms. Tif of Dottie Angel (yay!) suggested this name for my new bunny-of-old-blankets-series. I immediately loved it, for it’s whimsical and covers exactly what my bunnies are about.
So Blankity Bunnykins it is!
Thanks Tif, I’m honored (and my bunnies are very excited to carry it, they can hardly sit still ;-))!

The shop is offically open again.
Happy as a girl can be!

Flower power

I almost forgot
how nice it is
to take pictures in a home where
the sun shines through every window.
(Our temporary home was nice but gloomy, not the perfect place to take pictures, unless you were Wednesday from the Addams Family.)

It seems these flowers tried extra hard to look even more bright for the picture.
Even the wall and our beloved Panthella seem pink.

I think I’m going to make me a cup of coffee, eat some leftover birthdaycake and just stare at all the pink.

Don’t you just love a quiet Sunday afternoon?