Molly says hi to 2011

We sold our house
We moved
Against all odds..we fell in love with a new home
My best friend got married
Our beloved grandfather got sick
We renovated our new home
Planet Fur was at the 101 Woonideeënhuis at the Woonbeurs
We lost our grandfather
We moved again

I met a lot of kind, incredibly creative people
Got to spend much time with my family, who mean the world to me
Got to work on a lot of nice creative projects

Can’t wait to see what 2011 will bring us
Happy new year everybody!
Hope it will be a good one.

The sweetest house in the whole wide world

Where we love is home – home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

~Oliver Wendell Holmes~

The house on the picture means a great deal to me. It has such a sweet appearance too, I even like to think it has a bit of a face, a very sweet one I’d say. The picture shows it in all her old-days glory, with thriving blossom in the trees of her front garden. Oh, how much I would want to go back to those days, if only for a couple of minutes!

Alas, I can’t pick up the house and put it in my pocket, but I can cherish the memories that lie on that very spot and take them where ever I go. So…what’s nicer than turning something so dear into a creative project?

I traced the picture and used this site to turn it into an embroidery pattern. (I’m sure there are lots of websites that facilitate it too, this one is in Dutch.) It’s very simple and fast and it’s just the perfect project to do during this wonderful slow holiday season.

I’m taking a small blog- and shopbreak to work on some more creative projects, be with loved ones and relax after a very busy year. Hope your Christmas was cosy and warm. Will be back before you know it!

Vintage teapots

My collection of teapots is getting bigger and bigger. I found the one above yesterday on a very succesful thrifting adventure. It’s romantic appearance is a bit odd between the retro ones (also here and here) but I love it anyway, especially combinated with the old-in-a-new-way-Hema-tray that finally got a nice spot on the white hood in our kitchen.
Hope Mr. Winter will be kind and allows us to travel safely to our loved ones for Christmas.

Happy holidays and above all: enjoy! dear readers!

P.S. I heard this beautiful song for the first time since ages again on the radio. I can’t believe that it’s not played more’s so poetic, one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard.
A Winter’s Tale – Queen

How Winter should look like in my opinion

It’s so funny when you think about it. Everything we can do here in The Netherlands is whine about the cold weather and snow. As though those warm Winters from the past few years where normal. I must admit, I don’t like it either that cycling to my work is the farthest from home as I get these days and that I haven’t crossed the city borders for over a week. I hate it that there’s only a very narrow snow and ice-free strip available on the bicycle-paths and that you’ll for certain get stuck behind someone with a much slower pace because it’s impossible to pass by without falling over. I hate it when I have excavated our drive and one day later I can start all over again (and where, tell me where do I leave all those piles of removed snow? I have gathered enough snow to build an igloo and go Eskimo). It’s all so confining, but it’s so normal. It’s Winter! I guess people in Canada (or Russia! or Alaska! or Eskimo’s!) laugh their pants off when they’d hear us complain about the weather. A few inches of snow is peanuts compared to those who need a snow-plough to even be able to leave the house. Or build their house with it (for crying out loud).

Ah well…despite the icy bicycle paths, today I was still able to get home with two bags filled with thrifted treasuries. And one thing’s for sure: this Winter gives us the most beautiful sights since years. The Christmastree in our neighbour’s garden looks like it came straight walking from a fairytale. As long as I’m inside, next to the central heating, I guess I can still enjoy this season…


Time goes by so fast! Within a week it’s Christmas already!
With the piles of snow outside, our days are terribly slow. Since these weatherconditions aren’t very helpful when trying to get from A to B, we have to stay home (such punishment! ;-)), cuddle up, drink hot chocolate and eat too much ‘festive sweets’. O how I hate to stay in and do nothing!

Above: the only flowers that seem to survive the icy cold drafts that flow along the windows are the ‘mums’. I love their retro appearance.

Hope you all have a lovely pré holiday week.
May all your loved ones make it safe home through the cold and snow.