Project Polaroid Part 1

It’s no secret I like to photograph. But what I love even more about taking pictures are the fabulous accessoiries that help me make beautiful pictures. The tripod…the high quality lens…the software that can make it seem the sun shined brightly the day I shot the picture (but secretly it didn’t and you could certainly tell if you saw the original picture)… I’m one little spoiled princess when it comes to shooting nice, blogworthy pictures.But then I got this Polaroid camera for my birthday.
It’s just a plain camera.
No excape routes with this device, you need to actually now how to photograph when using this one.
Oops. I shot a few pictures and, of course, I didn’t like them…at all. The fact that I took them during the most dark season of the year, didn’t make things better either.

I think I just needed to get my head around the fact that making Polaroid pictures is all about fun and that the retro-like feel of the pictures gives a whole new dimension to making them. Especially after reading Anki’s enthusiastic Lomo-posts on her beautiful blog Zilverblauw (which is also about her gorgeous colourful home and totally worth checking out) I decided it was time to make peace with the Polaroid again.

To celebrate our refound friendship, I took the Polaroid for a ride to a deer forest nearby. We had quite some fun! The sun was shining, the deer looked sweet and fluffy and didn’t move too much, so we could take some nice, sharp pictures. I even showed my sweet Polaroid friend around in one of my favourite thriftshops, to seal our lifelasting friendship.

A happy ending after all, I love that!

At least she’s happy with the chair too

I made a great picture of my new studio chair with one of my Bunnykins sitting in it. (You can still see it’s ears behind the big black Molly called blob in front of the chair.)

Molly though has a very desperate need to check the sittability (or cuddability) of everything new that comes into the house.

The verdict isn’t very much of a surprise… the chair is very, very sittable and sleepable.

Nice for me to know (if she’ll ever leave her new sleepingspot and I can finally get to work).

Silly cat.

I always end up with orange

Another corner in our kitchen (which might indicate our kitchen has a lot of corners which isn’t the case to be frank, heehee). One way or another, I always seem to end up with a lot of orange things in my home. I’m no Dutch soccer fan (at all!), I do like our Royal Family, but not so much that I want to honour them by decorating my home with their family colour.

It’s not even my favourite colour (although it matches wonderfully with my alltime favourite green)! What could be the reason why I keep carrying orange things into our home: it matches so well with nice, bold colours like pink, purple, yellow and green.

…Anyway, as long as we’re clear about me not being a Dutch soccer fan, I’m fine with all the orange :-)

Today a terribly sore throat makes me want to curl up on the couch and watch Miss Marple all day. I hate being not well, especially when an ear infection spoiled all the fun a couple of weeks ago already. Luckily, my sweet Plaksels window decal birds arrived today and will be attached to the kitchenwindow to cheer me up a bit (if the husband is in a DIY mood tonight…I myself won’t even try to stick them on the window, big chance that ends in one Big Crying Drama Queen Scene).

I think I’m going to lie down for a bit, bye now!

My super vintage Arabia jam jar

I never expected to run into a Real Vintage Arabia Jam Jar ever, but what is that saying about things happening when you least expect it?

It just stood there.

I guess a dozen of people passed it, but nobody took it home.

I did..of course!

Isn’t she a gorgeous model (especially for the plain photo series)?

The sweet little Rice vase reminds me of a pineapple. It’s shape makes me smile. Just so you know :-D

Looking forward to a great creative-ladies-meet-up this weekend. See you soon!

Playing house

..or getting a bit arty farty.

I should be sewing like a mad woman, instead I’ve been shooting pictures all morning. Inspired by the beautiful sober pictures at the blog of Dutch Designer duo Tas-ka, I decided to make some pictures with less going on (if you know what I mean), playing with focus and depth.

(With in the back of my head that little voice screaming: “you shouldn’t be doing this, you don’t have time for this!”)

Despite all the efforts to keep the picture sober, I couldn’t resist to put some color in the composition. And while shooting pictures, I also got inspired to make a new blogbanner, so even though this day is fast on his way to reaching the top three of most procrastinating behaviour days, I am still very happy with these “playing house” kind of mornings, when inspiration seems to be flowing elaborately.

Of course, I’m very curious what you think of the new banner. Please be gentle though, me is very pleased with it (maybe because of it’s tad-of-artyness ;-))

Most be off now my friends, so long!