The Pray for Japan art work

This will be the little work I’ll be sending to the Pray for Japan charity exhibition organised by Paumes (and hosted in The Netherlands by Martine).

I started out with a totally different idea, jumped to another, just to find myself waking up this morning feeling totally dissatisfied with the final result. In the end, I made this drawing which I dare to sent to such a large and ambitious exhibition for such an important cause.

Especially the delicate faces of Kokeshi are very hard to capture on paper or fabric, that’s why I’ve drawn a lot of studies for the felt Kokeshi I made a couple of months ago. Those studies inpired me to draw this little lady. What can I say? Please join!


I’ve been planning to write a little piece about the super-cute Lis Paludan embroidery at the right ages ago. Sweet Ingrid of Ingthings organised a give-away a couple of weeks ago and she gave away the embroidery I secretly had been striving for for ages. Days of impatient waiting began, ’till the happy day I received the message I was the lucky girl she would sent the embroidery to. When the package arrived, I couldn’t even wait to take a nice picture of it (and that’s a real shame, ‘cause Ingrid’s packages are real eye candy). My impatience was too big to postpone unwrapping the lovely content even longer.

It’s funny how someone you’ve never met can make you feel you’ve known each other for ages. I think Ingrid is one of the most warm, kind and generous people I’ve, interactively speaking, met since I’ve started Planet Fur. I somehow feel connected to her.

Another heartwarming initiative I want to bring to your attention is the charity exhibition Éditions de Paumes is organising for those suffering from the earthquake disaster in Japan.
If you’re in the Netherlands, please read more about the exhibition and how to participate here at Martines weblog.

Please join and spread the word. It’s the least we can do.
Have a lovely Sunday!

Peachy words about Planet Fur

Today I’ve been shooting a lot of pictures of our home. The project wasn’t made easy for me, Molly kept walking through every single picture and sat down with an air of nonchalance in front of the camera. As if to say “Hey, those pictures are one big failure anyway if I’m not on it!”

A very comforting thought is that Molly will fall asleep somewhere during the process. She did, on the chair in the studio of course (her new favourite sleeping spot). Next thing for me to do was deleting all the pictures with a moving black blob on ‘em and shooting new ones. It’s so nice to have pets. Never a boring moment.

What seemed to be a Planet Fur day like any other, suddenly changed when I opened my e-mail tonight. Sweet Tif of Dottie Angel (who doesn’t need any introduction, those who don’t know her have been living underneath a rock the last couple of years, which isn’t a bad thing, but go check out her work right now then!) wrote the most peachy article about my shop, home and, who else?, little miss Molly. I think I’ve grown a few inches after reading her kind words. And even though you might not immediately see (she’s again sound asleep next to me on the couch), I’m sure Molly is proud too!


welcome to those who are new, so nice to meet you here! If you want to read some more about Planet Fur, pop over to this page! Feel free to comment or ask me any question, I’d love get in touch!

Picture Blankity Bunnykin and pom-pom squirrel plotting pesky tricks’
by Tif, Dottie Angel


O, how much I love these retro Scandinavian style posters designed by Jan Skácelik. I bought them as a present for the husbands birthday, aren’t they just fabulous?
(Check out Jan’s blog too!)

I’m not sure about the colour of the curtains in the bedroom, by the way.
I love the colour itself, but I don’t think it matches very well with the scrapwood wallpaper (not on this picture) on the opposite wall. It’s such a bright blue colour, where the wallpaper has a more soft, grey tone. Maybe I should call the combination eclectic to soothe the voice within my head called mr. Doubter and try to settle for it. If they keep annoying me, I can always turn them into a nice Smurf custome.

I gave these old frames a new place above the diningtable (two of them moved from the bedroom to the livingroom). They’re such a wonderful match together with the old little deer print and the birdy etching I found during… (what else?) a thriftsession.

That will be it for today, bye for now!

Conan the Barbarian

I’ve not become a fan of shady old movies, but I do feel a bit like a barbarian at the moment.

I sold all my Blankity Bunnykins the last couple of weeks. I’m very proud they all found a new home with loving owners, but I do find it sad that they need to leave my studio now, I loved looking at them.
So I needed to make some new Bunnykins (if only to look at something cheery again in my studio ;-)). And I wanted to give them new decorations on their woolly bellies. The idea for their decoration came to me, as always, in the morning, during that phase between sleeping and waking.

I could blame the moment for it (and maybe I just should) ‘cause the idea that boiled up came down to cutting apart the flowery embroideries I once took home from a thriftshop.
My daring, creative part thinks it’s a great idea to give something old-fashioned a new purpose. But my creative-I-know-how-much-work-it-is-to-make-an-embroidery-part thinks cutting up an embroidery is the most barbaric thing to do.

I did it anyway.

These (and other new little creatures) will be available in the shop after my big Pré Summer break in April. It’s time for me to think of new ideas, clear my head and take some rest after a year of packing, moving, rebuilding and some very unfortunate family matters. The last batch of international and European parcels will be shipped at March 26. After that, the shop will be closed for a while. I am already looking forward to opening it again at the beginning of May, on Planet Fur’s two year’s existance.

I can’t explain how much joy and happiness the shop, blog and all you kind people out there bring me. I think I would have gone crazy without it. I don’t want to get sensitive and all, but if I could, I would hug you. Big time!’s not the end of March, there’s still a lot of creative things for me to do. Must be off, until next time (or, in this case, post)!