There’s a new girl in town

The little girl in me still likes to keep nice things on her nightstand to look at before going to sleep. The sweet blushing lady keeps me company since our trip to the U.S., I found her at a little shop in Japancenter, San Francisco. The Planet Fur Kokeshi flock measures now six ladies. ;-)

The book I’m currently reading (all of a sudden I’m into reading again, I devour one after another) is Water for Elephants, about circuslife in the early 20s of the last century.

Sweet Ingrid of Ingthings sent me the paper crane last year after my grandfather passed away, along with such a kind note that it almost made me cry. Now she herself goes through an incredible difficult time, I still can’t believe her wonderful, happy Ingthings world is turned upside down so roughly. If I could, I would fold her a million cranes and hope happy days will return soon back into her life.

A very special Rhino give-away

The 3rd of May, it was already two years that Planet Fur opened the doors of her little shop!
To celebrate this happy fact, I thought it was time for the first Planet Fur give-away ever.
And boy, is it a special one!
I’ve traveled to the darkest corners of Africa to find this little girl, Hermione’s little white sister LouLou. She’s extremely rare, ‘cause she’s white. And I haven’t met very much Rhino’s with a party-hat either. Like her sister, she knows how to throw a party. The reserve she lived in before I took her home, was covered with confetti and balloons, so prepare if you decide to join this give-away…LouLou is no roommate for the faint-hearted.

What you have to do to join?
Leave a comment and of course, I would really appreciate it if you’d become a follower to this blog, if you aren’t yet. You can join where ever you are.
I’ll let you know who will be the lucky new owner of LouLou the 15th of May.

Please remember, LouLou is one of a kind, there will be only one Loulou.
Good luck!

Yellow treasures

I brought these treasures home from our trip to the U.S.
A bear shaped honeypot (why don’t they sell such cool articles in The Netherlands?) It reminded me of this supercool picture made by (San Francisco based) SFgirlbybay (ow, how I want to be SF based!).
And I actually did some real American thrifting in Las Vegas, there I found the yellow-fishy-shape (heehee) at the background. I think it’s some kind of coaster, but I don’t dare to place a hot kettle on it, ‘cause what if I’m wrong and it starts to melt? Funny thing about the coaster is that it’s made in Denmark, maybe especially for the American market…?
If someone recognizes it, please tell me more about it.
A very busy week ahead: must work on more new stock, open the shop, write a tutorial, blablabla. In short: an almost full-time Planet Fur week ahead of me. How wonderful!
I’ll keep you posted! Bye now!

The geek in me

I must admit, with the years passing, I’m beginning to like geek things more and more.
Since a month or two I have this crazy Star Wars obsession.
Not that I’m planning to become a Jedi (my Love told me that that’s an actual faith), that I want to walk around with Princess Amidala’s hairdo, or decorate my home like a spaceship (it’s not that bad), but somehow I keep spotting Star Wars things, almost like Star Wars merchandise is finally moving from the undergroud, you-don’t-want-people-to-mistake-you-for-a-huge-nerd to the retro-it’s-okay-and-cool-to-like-it scene or something.

Eitherway, I like it!

So after the purchase of two retro Star Wars prints for my Love’s birthday, you can now find me walking on these Adidas Star Wars sneakers. They’re actually one size too large for me, but my size was already sold out. It’s a comforting thought there are other girls (I can’t imagine there are a lot of guys with feet size 7) that are happy and geeky with them.

Which makes me wonder:
Do you have a bit of a geek in you?
Do you let it out, or do you hide it deep in the bottom of your soul?
Please share (and please don’t feel embarrast)!
And of course: may the force be with you this Sunday (and the rest of the century :-))

My Harry Potter Polaroid Camera

Aaw, my sweet poor Polaroid camera. After our Bumpy Start, he really thought we were fine. But then I took him for a 12 hour trip to the other side of the world in the chilly cargo hold of a plane, which already made him a bit grumpy.

And then I took him to the Grand Canyon. It was a wonderful sunny day, I shot one picture with him and then I thought: I think it would be a good thing if I’d attach that strap-thingy to him, so I can hang him around my neck. Thing is, I’m not very good with attaching strap-thingies to camera’s (or attaching whatever one thing to another, I have the locomotion of a turtle, to be honest). Next, I took a stroll along the rim of the Grand Canyon with what I thought a firmly hanging Polaroid camera around my neck…which turned out to be a bit of an illusion. So after shooting one picture with my Polaroid, the not-so-very-firmly-attached-strap let loose and made the camera meet up close and personal with the canyon rim down below.


I guess at that moment the camera was really fed up with me. He refused to give one single sign of life and stubbornly kept displaying this giant ‘E’ one his display.
*Sigh* Stupid turtle skilled girl!

Luckily I married a guy that liked to dismantle and assemble electronic devices when he was a little boy (and still does). So that damaged, not working camera was just another nice electronic challenge for him. (“No worries dear, I’ll fix that Polaroid camera for you and could you please stop crying about it now?”) He fixed it of course. The little plastic cap that houses the batteries broke off though, so that is hold together now with a giant piece of white tape, the kind you normally use for bandages, or in Harry Potter’s case, to fix your glasses with.

For those who read this blog for a while now know I love imperfect things. So the large Harry Potter tape on the side of my Polaroid camera makes me love him even more. And I love the yellowish, dreamy pictures I shot with him. But I wouldn’t be surprised if one day my camera has left to find someone who takes better care of him. Someone who likes things to be perfect and who has the locomotion of a cat.

Above: The majestic Grand Canyon made us fall into silence.
Middle: I love these kind of old-school signs.
Below: Llama’s and trailers in Escalante, near Bryce National Park.