Count your blessings

What made me happy last week?

Us being together for 12 years. A meet-up with sweet Diana at Appracadabra and our thrift adventure that evening with Michelle and Erika. We had so much fun! Dahlia’s for my new Chinese vase. My dearest, cheeky little nephews riding racing stripes (they can sit on it together, so cute!). Making a new table-cover… and the first big Hermione the Rhino ever (which will get a seperate post, of course)!

Writing this makes me realise that even the most common week withholds so much blessings. I feel truly and utterly blessed by that.

Anki started counting her blessings, Anne, Arnika, Belinda, Debora, Esther, Frederieke, Froukje, Iris, Judith, Leontien, Maartje, Maartje, Mariëlle, Marit, Martine, Marie-Lu, Maureen, Mireille, Suus, Tabitha and I joined her in this series. 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Decorating is the ongoing and favourite project in our home. This corner in our livingroom makes me so, so happy, as it turned out how I imagined it to be: bright and funny.

I’m always on the lookout for accessories that are funny or on the edge of tacky (‘cause let’s be honest, white cockatoo and dog statues do fall in that categorie of items that could ruin your good reputation). There’s always room for eyebrow-raising items in our home and the louder visitors yell that an item is very and utterly Not Done or sheer ugly (people tend to say “Oh, that is so very you”, in other words: “It’s as mad and wacky as you are” ;-)) the more I become to love it, secretly. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In my humble opinion, as long as the space makes you smile in whatever way, your good. No matter what other people say (unless that makes you like it more, then you’re good also…;-))

Last week I visited a thriftshop with some sweet former-cyberspace friends (my shop and blog brought so much happiness and sweet people into my life!) where I bumped into the fellow below. My thriftcompanion bumped into it at that same moment, but kindly (and generously!) let me buy it, which made me blush and even more appreciate this treasure. I can see why we both loved it, his ears and little tail are hysterical, yet he’s the cutest guy I stumbled onto in months. He made us laugh and so he passed my bended rules of beauty and found a place in our living room. Happy endings all over the place.


When I found the picture on the right on Flickr (photo made by Minitoko) I had a good reason to add the Fisherprice Chatter Phone to my thrifty-wishlist (I tend to invent new English words like I do in Dutch, please forgive me if it sounds like total Gobbledygook!). Anyway, I love the idea of mounting this phone to a wall. Maybe I should hang it somewhere low and pretend that Molly uses it to call her flat brothers and sisters (I have a lively imagination, so I can totally imagining her picking up the horn an meowing in it).

Count your blessings

From now on I’m gonna count my blessings every week. I enjoy reading the ‘Blessings’ posts of other bloggers very much and I feel it’s very important to realise we have a lot of reasons to be happy for! So I’m joining Anki (the one who started counting her blessings), Anne, Arnika, Belinda, Debora, Esther, Frederieke, Froukje, Iris, Judith, Leontien, Maartje, Maartje, Mariëlle, Marit, Martine, Marie-Lu, Maureen, Mireille, Suus and Tabitha in this series.

Boy, there were a lot of things that made me happy this week! There’s of course Little Mole, who makes us laugh with everything she does (even when she sleeps). There was this nice evening walk with my parents. And a grand day out with my Love: we went thrifting (I married the most wonderful man that wants to go thrifting with me, which is on itself one big blessing) and I found the world famous Chatter Telephone of Fisherprice (in good condition, more about that in a different post). After that, we went to Utrecht where I bought the cute Nümph dress and some fab Marimekko scraps of fabric for € 1,-! We strolled around a bit, ate sushi and enjoyed the weather (the sun shined friendly, it was a bit windy, not too hot). It was a perfect Summer day.

The song of Gotye made me very happy too, I watched the clip endless times last week, I think it’s the most original clip I’ve seen in ages. I can be a bit of a Teletubbie when it comes to songs or movies, I can watch or listen to them over and over, until somebody gets sick and tired of it and offers me money to stop doing that (that really happened once, when my brother offered me 50 euros to get me stop listening to a record of Savage Garden. In didn’t work though).

What made you happy this week?

Meet our meatballs

Molly isn’t the only one who has about a hundred nicknames, our two rabbits are victim too of my never ending urge to give things (alive or not) silly names. Their official names are Haas and Streep (if I translate this, it’s gonna sound pretty silly, but since the nicknames I’m gonna write about are even more silly, I’ll give it a shot) in English they’re called Hare and Stripe. There you have it.

I like to call them The Meatballs because of their brown with gravy like appearance. They also listen to the name Furpants (Bontbroeken). When I make a grocery list I write ‘Vegetable for Furpants’ on it, or shout at the husband “Hun, did you get food for the meatballs yet?!”. At the moment, I prefer to call them Bruuske and Shania (and pronounce it like the Flemings do: “Allez! Bruuske!”).

I keep laughing about it even when the joke is long past it’s perishable date. Ah well, our meatballs don’t mind. As long as we give them their Furpants food in time.