Denmark II

Finding something ugly in a country like Denmark is very very hard. I found for example the most beautiful home products in the most crappy discount supermarket for very little money. Seeing gorgeous design everywhere (even the logo of the crappy supermarket was fab!) made me feel humble and overall, very amateuristic about my own home interior. I guess I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves, it’s just no use trying to describe how much I loved being surrounded by so much loveliness for a whole week!


Just got back from Denmark, we had such a fab time! I’ll be back to blogging and will be answering e-mails tomorrow (or the day after tomorrow :-)), but first I need to unpack all the fabulous items I bought (and do the laundry, the less fun part of coming home)!

The biggest friggin Hermione on the planet

 Need I say more?

I made this party girl with a little help from my sewing machine.

The party bunting on her neck is handstitched.
She’s made from nice thick grey felt and with a Lot of Love.
She’s quite the character: she brought her own party hat and
in the wink of an eye, the studio was sprinkled with confetti!

No rest for the wicked

This ever-changing mood of mine made me change my studio last weekend. To be honest, I didn’t like the arrangement of the space that much, so when vacuum cleaning it last week, I felt the urge to change it (what great ideas have popped up during vacuum cleaning!).

Looking at these pictures it strikes me that, despite the effort of trying to make the rooms in our home look calm and clean, like for example Geninne’s tidy and tranquil workspace, they actually look like a rainbow exploded there (my brother-in-law calls it a Happy Chaos (vrolijke bende). However, reorganising every shelf, drawer and cabinet soothed my restless mind a bit and now that’s done I can focus on my latest new obsession: old children’s books.

P.S: I’m playing Craft it Forward and will be giving away five little deer soon! Please read more about Craft it Forward on Kerry’s beautiful blog here! Stay tuned!

Toile de Table Cloth

I found this Toile de Jouy fabric at Dutch discount store Kwantum. It’s colour combination is a bit weird, especially for a store like Kwantum that generally doesn’t sell very daring things in their stores. The weirdness did attract me though, so I bought it.

I’ve been craving for some yards of real Toile de Jouy fabric for ages, but when I finally found it in a French shop for a reasonable price, I didn’t dare to order some because then I had to speak French and that’s no language I speak very well. (The only time I took the French-speaking-plunge was when I found some vintage-button-heaven-store in a tiny French village, but the lady that worked there was so unkind that I promised myself to never to have to order something in French again. I got my buttons, but it took my ego weeks to rehabilitate from that embarrassing experience.) Luckily, my patience (or reluctance) finally paid off and now I have my own Toile de Jouy without the busted ego. Can things get any better? Nay I say!