The Appracadabra launch

Last Saturday was a Big Day. For me, but especially for the four wonderful people on the left picture: Diana, Marlis, Xander and Jochem of Appracadabra launched their first App for children: count the animals. They celebrated this first launch with a circus themed party and asked me to take pictures of this Special Day. And special it was!

The location where they threw the party was absolutely stunningly decorated, with a huge circustent made of paper flags as the merry centre of it all. There where a lot of fun things to do for kids and most guests came dressed up circus themed, which gave the party an extra dimension of cheerfulness. There where pancakes, balloons, soap bubbles, confetti and lots more to complement the lot. I actually felt I had jumped back in time and walked through one of those old circuses from times gone by…smashing!

So..if you want to learn to count to 20 in a foreign language (in a fab way!), or just want to enjoy the pictures of the launchparty (totally worth checkin’!), check the Appracadabra website every now and then the upcoming week. I most be off now, there’s pictures that need to be edited!

Left: The Appracadabra team dressed up for the big party.
Right: Felix played Long Legged Gentleman for a day, he did such a swell job!

Washed upon a cushion

Since I’ve changed the studio Molly doesn’t want to sleep in my desk anymore. We don’t know if it’s the change of seasons or just her behaving like a queen, eitherway, I had to find a new place for her to stay in my studio when I’m at work there (just because it’s so cozy when she’s near. She snores a bit when she sleeps, so funny!)

Anyway, when I casually threw her cushion (Molly owns a lot of cushions, once she has sat on one it’s so hairy, we don’t want to sit on it anymore and we consider it hers) on the ground next to me, I later found her sleeping like this, like she crashed into it. She looked like a little seal washed upon the shore. Molly makes loving her so easy.

Count your blessings

So much to be happy about! Little Molly who makes us smile (She’s so soft! She’s so sweet! She’s so cuddly! Oh my gosh, how much we love that little hairball!) Fabulous thriftfinds. (The dish at the right is very old I reckon. It looks like the print is somehow stamped and not painted on and it has these black smudges, like the creator accidently smeared the paint. Yes, I’ve been practicing my Serious Investigator’s skills again.) Enjoying the things we took home from our trip to Denmark. A delightful weekend away with my dear, dear family (and the fact that this nasty flu hit my body at the end of the weekend and not at the beginning, that’s a blessing too!). And last but definitely not least: the sun shining!

Anki started counting her blessings, Anne, Arnika, Belinda, Debora, Esther, Frederieke, Froukje, Iris, Judith, Leontien, Maartje, Maartje, Mariëlle, Marit, Martine, Marie-Lu, Maureen, Mireille, Suus, Tabitha and I joined her in this series. 

Hebbie koop?

When we feel like buying something, here in our home we say: “Hebbie koop?” It’s hard to translate, but when we have “koop” we feel the unstoppable urge to buy something…anything.

In Denmark I had a lot of koop. These are a few of the things I found, from lovely paper from Grenes to cushions and towels from Gronlykke. Sweet Iris (my personal Sweden shopping expert) tipped me to pay Malmö in Sweden a visit too, if only to shop at Lagerhaus. We did, and I went a tiny bit bezerk there, such cool contemporary items for very reasonable prices (okay, that sounded a bit like a pay-off for Big Boy)! And I’ve always wanted to become the owner of a cloud shaped sponge!

I did some thrifting (of course!) too and found some ‘season plaques’ of Bjorn Wiinblad for 3 euros each. So, I’m a very happy girl (which I was already before these finds, I’m not that materialistic) and I think I know where I want to go on vacation next Summer :-)

Denmark III