
I found this air-drying clay in a craftshop and I can’t stop making new little items with it, it’s such cool stuff! I cut out these droplets from a flattened piece of clay, punched a little hole in them and hung ‘em in the window with thin fish wire. This clay is paintable, but for now I like them plain as they are.

Luckily, these are the only droplets we’ve seen the last weeks, the weathergods have been very kind to us!

Rather mannish

May I say that it’s a helluva job to decorate a man’s room? Not that my Love is the kind of man that freaks out when he has to sit on a pink cushion, not at all! This whole decorate a room in a rather mannish way was my own (stupid) idea. And now that it’s almost done, I’m not even sure I’m happy with the result. (Blame my current crazy hormonal-I-don’t-like-a-thing-I-do-mood for it, eitherway, I didn’t dare to upload pictures of the result…it’s pathetic.)

So here’s an impression of my humble interpretation of mannish decoration objects: a thrifted wooden hippo with a vintage Ericofon and an Adónde? pencil box which I bought at sweet Nicole’s shop Babongo. A cup of very strong Italian coffee (didn’t I promise myself to cut back with that Evil Juice? Yup, but that’s what it’s evil for!) and an iBride tray I bought a long time ago at Habitat. (We’re not allowed to use any other trays or drinks or cups in the boys room, that’s what it’s manly for, right!)

Not sure if butterflies are very manly though.

Maybe I should just dump an old scruffy couch in and a fridge filled with beer….I’ll consider that when I’m really desperate :-)

Count your blessings

Our little nephew made us a beautiful rabbit’s den at school. We’re so proud of him, he even got the colours of our meatballs (who he loves) right. (And to be honest, it almost made me cry that he made something especially for us). Needless to say we love him to bits, we’re blessed to have him in our lives.

The embroidered alpine meadow is thrifted and huge. I can’t imagine that someone would want to get rid of it! I payed no more than € 2 euros for it, it’s insane!

Furthermore, we celebrated a lot of birthdays the last couple of weeks, being with my family is a true blessing. And I finally redecorated the husbando’s studio, of which I’ll show pictures somewhere in my upcomings posts. Happy days!

Anki started counting her blessings, Anne, Arnika, Belinda, Debora, Esther, Frederieke, Froukje, Iris, Judith, Leontien, Maartje, Maartje, Mariëlle, Marit, Martine, Marie-Lu, Maureen, Mireille, Saskia, Sacha, Suus, Tabitha and I joined her in this series (please let me know if I forgot someone!).

A very early DIY Christmas tree

I found the super-easy tutorial for this sweet Christmas tree on Pinterest (where else?). It’s made with circular shaped pieces of felt, I made this one for my cousin (guess which colours are her favourite?).
Look for the tutorial here.
(I collect cool ’n easy DIY projects (and lots more) on my Pinterest boards. You can find me here.)
Enjoy your Sunday!

Work – Silence

I’ve mentioned it a thousand times already, but oh, I love my quiet workdays. Those days when I can tick things off my long to do lists. When I can drink as much coffee as I like (I really should cut back with that strong Italian coffee though, it makes me behave like a Chipmunk….RRRRRRRRR) I’m also following the Decor8 Blogging your Way e-course, which I can really recommend (if you’d consider subscribing). It’s nice to overthink things while sewing or photographing.

The felt house I’m making is the home of my late grandmother and – father. I guess I’m trying to deal with losing them by doing something creative with their home, the only touchable, earthly memory that’s left of my life as a granddaughter. Oh I miss being someone’s granddaughter. So much, that one day I might pick two elderly people off the streets and pronounce them my grandparents (yep, I miss it so much, I’m capable of kidnapping ;-)). I guess all I want to say is: if you still have someone you call your grandfather or -mother, please cherish him or her. Or, if you don’t, give them to me.

Enough (before I break into tears)!
It’s also time to announce the new Craft It Forward participants! Thank you all so much for your nice comments on my give-away! The following people will receive a little deer from me:

LouKylieLisaAmanda and Ladybug&Co

Please send me your details at info[at]ohmarie.nl ladies and good luck with your own Craft It Forward projects!