
This was the funny vase I was writing about a couple of posts ago. Why would any manufacturer make a vase like this? It’s strange (but therefore I like it)!

Today I’ll leave you with a picture of our ‘Redouté’ corner. The one on top belonged to my late dear grandmother (it hung in her boudoir and it reminds me of the hours I spend there playing with her little bottles of perfume, secretly rumbling through the drawers of her little boudoir cabinets. I get so nostalgic when I think of those wonderful times we stayed at her and my grandfather). The crooked one below is thrifted. I seem to be bumping into a lot of Redouté lately, last week I found another one with a beautiful yellow rose (and left the other lot for someone else to find).

I will be meeting two friends this afternoon at the Flavourites fair, can’t wait! Anki (gorgeous pics) and Yvonne (made me chuckle) already shared their experiences on their blogs, you can find their stories here and here.

Misty mountains

I bumped into this vase about four times in the same thriftshop. The first four times I didn’t take it home, dunno why really, ‘cause it did catch my eye. The fifth time I still liked it and I felt sorry for the poor thing. I often get overwhelmed by a feeling of pity for items that nobody seem to like. So I took it home. (Now you also know why I have visited an animal shelter only once in my life, it resulted in coming home with our furry mini Nazgûl.*)

Now I look at it, I know why I like it. The triangles look like foggy mountains, the ones you find on old Japanese paintings. I love it’s powdery colours. It’s even more beautiful with one fragile flower in it. Every day I love it more, isn’t that the perfect find?

*) Molly brought imitating the sound that Nazgûl make to perfection. We also like to call her the Kraken (kraken means creaking in Dutch).

Triangles everywhere

I’ve been looking for a Vicky Pollard jacket for a while (wanted one from Adidas, but my wallet didn’t want one from Adidas) and eventually found this one at the Divided department of H&M for a very reasonable price. It’s made of 100% polyester so I can wear it on a polar expedition and still feel sweaty. The triangles made me buy it anyway.


Instead of cleaning the house last Friday I took myself for a much needed quest for junk. (I’m that type of girl who gets restless when she can’t thrift every now and then.) I didn’t find very much, except this cute vintage doll and a very typical plastic vase.

It feels so good, going AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) once in a while. It gives a guilty pleasure that feeling of extra-specialness…love it! Don’t you just love to do something when you’re not supposed to?

To get to the pictures..
I still felt our hallway was a bit too clean for my taste so I spiced it up a bit with this great alphabet poster made by Janneke of Hikjes in Huis. I’m also discovering more and more the fabulousity of washi tape (I’m not exactly the example of an early adopter), and I’m actually becoming to love it so much that there’s little piles like these everywhere around the house. You can probably imagine I’m over the moon with my latest Etsy purchase: Moomin washi tape!

P.S.: For one of my product pictures I’ve learned to fold origami hearts. Receipts, money and old to-do lists are much better looking heart-shaped, don’t you think?

Secretly marching in

Some Christmas ornaments
are so un-Christmas-like
that I allow them
to secretly
settle down in our interior
in November.