Artikelen door Marlous

Alienating Budapest

Next to well kept buildings we walked pass this old, unknown (once beautiful) giant building that was totally falling in decay. My love made this wonderful alienating picture of one of it’s entrances. Especially the statue made me wonder who this man once was and why no one bothered that it was falling apart (maybe […]

Unexpected Budapest

Wow. We’ve been to Budapest last weekend and wow, is that a beautiful city or what? I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that Budapest has a large number of beautiful buildings in Secessionstyle (or Jugendstil or Art Nouveau style), of which the Museum of Applied Arts (above) is a perfect example. It was stunning. […]

Unicorn of the sea

The fun thing of custom orders is that you’re challenged to make new things once in a while. One of my dear customers asked me to make her a narwhal, I took the challenge and couldn’t stop sewing untill this little friend was born. This little guy is going to stay and accompany the first […]

Through sickness and health…

…she’s always near. I didn’t feel very well the last couple of days, and where she normally can’t sit still on our lap, she now cuddles up to me on the couch and keeps me company during the long days…waiting for me to get better. She’s the sweetest cat I’ve ever met.

Bond…James Bond

What a confession to make! I’m a huge sucker for old James Bond movies, so I was pleasantly surprised to find these old books at a thriftshop this weekend. They’re not just lovely to read, but with their old, scruffy look they are good models too! Ik moet het toegeven, ik ben gek op oude […]