Artikelen door Marlous


Yesterday I received this lovely package from Marieke. Her sister Ingeborg is the founder of Studio Ping and together they have this super-cute cardlabel called Pimpelmees. For the Dutch people among us: Studio Ping creates those super-sweet nostalgic illustrations for Flow Magazine. When Marieke ordered one of my little mounted bunnies, I was pleasantly surprised […]


These are soo lovely. Unfortunately I’m not the girl that’s able to walk miles on sky-high heels, so it’s quite difficult to find shoes that are not only comfortable but are also nice to look at. (But trust me: it’s also not nice to look at someone who can’t walk on high heels like me […]

Does anyone know a horologist?

I kinda got attached to this little clock. It made a lot of noise (sometimes her alarm went off in the middle of the night even if I made sure it wouldn’t) and I had to wind it up every morning, but still..I loved her shape and her color and the fact that I keep […]

Who needs a rug when he has a Molly?

Molly likes to roll. You can make very funny jokes about that, because “Moll” and “roll” rhyme. Believe me, I have thousands of variations on her name…and counting. Whatever we do, she’s always near, like at this moment when I made the pictures of Lolly. And when she’s really at ease, she starts to roll. […]

Old habits die hard

I have a strange habit of naming every item that comes into our house (there’s only one criterium: it has to have a creature-like appearance). I had to take home this super-sweet doggy shaped flowerpot from a thriftshop, despite my love’s efforts not to. He looked at me with his big sad eyes (I’m a […]