Artikelen door Marlous

I’ll put the bright orange kettle on

Sometimes you get lucky. Or maybe not, if this kettle is brought to the thriftshop by its last owners because it began to smell like something burning when they boiled water in it. At the pay desk I mentioned: “Ah, there’s a blue sticker on it, so it’s safe”. On which the cashier replied: “No, […]

Let’s start the weekend with a nautical theme

I have a thing for giant squids and puffins, so these beauties make my day! Made by the following extremely talented artists:Giant squid digital print by Danbobthompson (I’m also in love with this print.) Puffin limited edition print by Beethings (They love the name “puffin” just as much as I do! It indeed sounds a […]

Voulez-vous conserver ma marmalade?

Meet Pedro, the-most-original-marmelade-jar-ever-made. My dear brother and sister-in-law bought him for me as a present because they know I love crockery, and love it especially when it has a creature-like appearance. Pedro is a member of the Thomas Rosenthal family, but he himself likes to think he’s a far descendant from the vikings. By the […]

Happy Easter!

Soon more about this cute little piece of cross-stitched art, but I have to go and pack for we are moving within days! Happy Easter everybody!