Artikelen door Marlous

A kup of loveliness

Since I discovered Beautiful Picture Heaven called Flickr, I keep digging, clicking and finding new treasures. I know a lot of people are already familiair with the incredible talented lady behind KupKupLand, but since this is my blog and since I’m over the moon with the discovery of her gorgeous pictures, I would like to […]

Where’s the mole?

Even in a house with one floor she can vanish. This time I found her underneath the beautiful flowers on our kitchen table. They blend very well ;-) Zelfs in een huis met één verdieping kan ik haar kwijt zijn. Dit keer vond ik haar terug onder de prachtige bos bloemen op de keukentafel. Ze […]

Apartment therapy

I’ve had a good dose of apartment therapy the last couple of days. These are the first impressions of the results of our efforts. At the left the view from our livingroom into the hallway, study and bedroom. At the right our kitchen. A previous owner painted the kitchen pale green, which was a brilliant […]

Wherever I lay my kokeshi, that’s my home

I’m counting off the hours ’till the happy moment that I can return to my shop, photography and to regular blogging. We’ve been scrubbing off dirt, painting walls, packing boxes for ages now and I want to return to a normal life so badly it hurts. I hope to shoot some photos of our new […]

I’m trying to do my laundry here!

Pat…pat… “Hey…this looks like a real nice spot to sleep…and it smells so nice…like freshly washed laundry. And wow, that’s dear female housemate is near too! (Don’t exactly understand what she is doing with that pile of fabric thingies there, but should I care?) How come I never discovered this cool sleepingspot earlier?” …ZzzZzzzZZZZzzZzzz…