Artikelen door Marlous

I just got back from Russia

We’ve just returned from a trip to Saint Petersburg, Russia, so I’m gonna annoy you with loads of bizarre stories and futile details the next couple of days. I don’t want to offend anyone, but Russia is a strange country. On the other hand, Russians might take that as a compliment. First challenge is to […]

She’s free at last

Molly likes it outside…unless it’s cold and snowy. When we moved into our new home, she wasn’t allowed to go outside anymore, for there was no fence around the garden… This might need some explanation. Molly isn’t always behaving very catlike, she does not climb for example. She can jump, there’s nothing wrong with her […]

On Etsy: Minicyn

Along with the upcome of shops like Accessorize, I decided I wanted my ears to be pierced too. Within months I was the proud owner of a huge pile of the most beautiful earrings…and turned out to be one of those people who are terribly allergic to anything non-silver. I attached my most beloved earrings […]

Best weekend wishes

The upcoming weekend is gonna be a busy one, so a quick note to wish you all a wonderful weekend too! Many thanks for all the sweet comments on my feature in Flow Magazine, they really warmed my heart. You are all so incredibly kind! The little lady on the right is a new member […]

Flow feature!

Oh my, I’m as proud as a girl can be! Flow is one of my favorite Dutch magazines, and this month I’m in it! It’s an article about Dutchies on Etsy, which is a very good thing, ‘cause Etsy still needs promotion here in The Netherlands! Yay! Oow, ik ben zo trots als een pauw. […]