Artikelen door Marlous

My best friends wedding

My best friend is getting married and she gave me the honour of making the ringcushions for her Big Day. She likes plain and simple designs and I made them matching the wedding invitation. It feels very special to make something for friends for such an imporant day of their life. When the bride-to-be unwrapped […]

Cheburaska and some final conclusions

Reading back my posts, it feels like I didn’t had a good time in Saint Petersburg. But I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. We had loads of fun with the good friends that travelled along with us and travelling into a country like Russia is what I would call an experience. You have […]

Dolls dolls dolls

If you write about Russia, you must write about Matryoshka’s. Though St. Petersburg isn’t very much of a shopping city, the amount of Matryoshka’s you can choose from is humongous. I photographed these (unfortunately a bit blurry) in a shop called “Northwest” at the English Embankment (nice clean toilets! no pushy shopkeepers! ;-)), but bought […]

This museum doesn’t do extinction

This is definitely one of the most weird museums I’ve ever visited, but maybe I just have not been exposed to much weirdness in my life.I walked through the Zoological Museum of Saint Petersburg with a mixture of fascination and disgust. The museum contains one of the biggest collections of – to put it straight […]