Artikelen door Marlous

New decor

Beauty can be found in unexpected places. After working on the necklace I put it down for a while and it appeared to match wonderfully with the book underneath it. I don’t want to write about Autumn already (and upset the sun-loving readers here ;-)) but these colors have such an Autumny feel that I […]

Etsy birds

After volunteering at a birdrescue centre, my love for these sweet creatures has grown ever since. Luckily enough, the office I work is located at a place where birds thrive (in the middle of grasslands). The swallows for example, build their nests exactly above the place we park our bicycles. You can imagine the look […]

This is SO cool!

Oh my! One of my dear customers was kind enough to sent me some pictures of my bunny wedding cake topper live in action. I can’t explain how cool it is to see your own work on top of a wedding cake on the other side of the world. The bunnies blend wonderfully with the […]

To be real honest

If I’m really really honest, I don’t like cats in my bed. I do like cats (how surprising), but not the bulks of hair they seem to loose every minute of the day. Sometimes I look at Molly when she sleeps (and does not move) and even then hairs fall off her little body. There’s […]

What the world needs now…

After seeing the Austin Powers International Man of Mystery movie, this songtitle got a whole new feeling, but for this post I just mean it like it once was written for: this world need love, loads of love. Sometimes your day gets brightened by sweet gestures, like the day that I received these lovely vintage […]