Artikelen door Marlous

Life as a perfectionist

I changed my banner. And again. And again. I think I might be satisfied with the final result. But I might change my mind tomorrow. I looked at my banner at my laptop. And at the computer of a friend…it’s colors look different on every computer. So my feelings about this one change with the […]

Molly’s close encounter of the wet kind

In the series “Enjoy small things in times of misery”, I want to share this little movie of little Molly with you. I don’t know if this is cat-like behavior, but Molly kind of freezes when it starts raining. So the last time it poured outside, she did not come inside, but tried to hide […]

Planet Fur and a series of very unfortunate events

I don’t want to spoil all the fun and start again about miserable things in my life, but last week was what you would call an emotional rollercoaster. The kind of week that makes you cancel your planned trip to France, to be precise. Instead of buying piles of smelly cheese and driving through wonderful […]

It’s what (should) holds things together

Glue…I’m not a big fan of it. Especially not after my lampshade-upholstery-adventure (I’m not even sure that’s an actual English sentence.) I used spray adhesive to upholster a lampshade with the vintage needlework above, but ended up stitching the shade to the frame by hand, because the glue thought it necessary to stop holding things […]

An apple a day…

You’ve probably noticed my absence here. I figured I needed some time off from my shop and from taking pictures for my beloved blog, to get inspiration and creativeness floating again. Shortly, I’m just celebrating my Summer break, like every normal person would do ;-) So..what do you do when time is on your hand? […]