Artikelen door Marlous

Another Flow Feature!

You already know I’m a huge fan of Dutch magazine Flow, so needless to say I’m soo happy they were kind enough to place one of my deer in a deer themed shopping article! Yaay! Furthermore, a short post today. I’m exhausted of today’s work in our upcoming new home. I hope to shoot some […]


I shouldn’t be writing this post. I should be painting walls. Scraping off heaps of wallpaper. Fold piles of laundry. Drive to the hospital to visit my (still very ill) family-member. … I’m procrastinating.

That’s better!

No iPod or CD can replace the sound of a Frank Sinatra record played on an old record-player. I am, by the way, not sure this player is old (it actually looks kinda new to me) but that doesn’t bother me at all as long as it sounds and looks old. It’s second hand, so […]

Stupid girl

Sometimes I create my own blog-worthy stories. Like this evening, when I was attempting to take some pictures of a present I bought for my Love a while ago. Now the days are getting shorter, good light for good pictures is getter scarce and I have to turn to our little lightroom to take good […]

Mi casa e tu casa

Molly and our rabbits have about the same size and weight (about 6 lb..if I converted it well) and since they aren’t afraid of each other, they all are allowed to run free through the garden when we clean-up the bunnies’ lodge. It’s very strange to find your cat sitting in a rabbit-cage. You can […]