Artikelen door Marlous


One of our grandparents moved to an elderly home and couldn’t take all her furniture with her. She was kind enough to let us all pick something of her belongings to take home and I, of course, picked the doilies.I haven’t got the faintest idea what to do with them (I’m not that creative), but […]

Do you feel that?

…It’s the wind of change. A while ago I met up again with a couple of creative ladies. This time we reviewed each other’s websites, which was very useful, for for me as a perfectionist it’s difficult to look at my own website and have an objective opinion about it (I suppose everybody with his […]

My safe zone

This is my safe zone.It’s so nice to come home here after a long day in a noisy, dusty, dirty, cluttered house filled with workmen. (Don’t get me wrong, I love that they take a lot of work off our hands and they are really nice, but I don’t like their taste of music and […]

The beauty in reconstructing

Is there any beauty to find on our construction site? Not the kind of beauty that I heart, but here and there I managed to take some nice shots. I’m constantly worrying we won’t be able to finish the whole project in time, since we only have two hands to make it all happen…and let’s […]