Artikelen door Marlous

Vintage needlework art

I’m making a wall-piece with vintage needlework.It always made me a bit sad that all those hours and hours of sewing by a grandmother or mother (or, in a perfect world, grandfather) end up in a thriftshop. So I have to take them with me everytime I pass by. They’re all gonna be joined together […]

As you know, I like imperfect

Reading back my posts about our reconstructing project, it seems I really dislike everything about it, which is absolutely not true. I must be honest, I don’t like the chaos it causes in every aspect (chaos inside the house, our life and in my head) but I really can’t wait to go live there, and […]


Oh my, is it October already? I can’t believe we are moving towards Autumn again (and that I’m soon turning 29…Even more shocking!). It feels like it was last month that we had to plough through 11 inches of snow here in The Netherlands.On the other hand, I love that it’s getting darker and colder […]

About the shop

A short message before I rush off to our reconstruction project. Since the Woonbeurs I felt like making some new bunnies from old blankets, which resulted in the two little fellows at the left. The shop is terribly empty at the moment, and I promise it will be updated on short time notice, so please […]

My Woonbeurs Adventure

Oeoeoeoe! I had such a wonderful day at the Woonbeurs, yesterday! This years 101 Woonideeën home was so beautiful decorated, and so very different from last year’s black and white stand. It’s atmosphere was very feminine and soft and I loved the herbarium with orchids in the kitchen (unfortunately I screwed up the pictures of […]