Artikelen door Marlous

D-Day (or B-Day)

Today is my personal D-day. Tomorrow I’m turning 29, I can’t believe I’m actually going to enter the land of 30 in about a year. All these crazy questions go through my head. Would it hurt? Would I be even more dramatic about it than I already am? Would I have to get mature all […]

A sneak preview of our new home

Like the break of dawn. After a couple of very emotional weeks, we finally moved into our new home. And we-are-so-happy-here. I’m even cheerful whilst writing this post on a laptop in a drafty hall, sitting on a tiny chair, ‘cause that is the only way to be online at the moment. At the left […]

Lightning crashes..

…an old father dies Live, “Lightning crashes”, Throwing Copper My grandfather passed away last week.I’ve waited long to type these words, for I just can’t believe we have to move on without him.The world seems so cold and dark now. I know there will come a day when I can smile thinking of him. But […]

The Bunnykins

They’re so much fun to make! Once in a while I feel like making one and can’t stop sewing until it’s finished. The only thing I have to think of now is a name for my new collection of bunnies. This little fellow has a beautiful back too, but Photoshop stopped working this morning. I’m […]