Artikelen door Marlous

I will talk and TNT will listen

Gee, I hate to admit it, but that whole TNT fiasco really suppressed me this week. I’m thankful for all your kind BOO! at TNT comments (there’s a discrepancy in that sentence, but you know what I mean don’t ya?), at least we’re not alone in this one.It’s just that… just thinking about the whole […]

How TNT almost killed my little business

That title sounds a bit dramatic, but unfortunately it could be true. I visited the post office today and found out that TNT (who’s responsible for the Dutch Postal Services) raised the price for sending an international package with about 100%. Instead of paying € 10,45 ($ 13.53) for a package to ship to the […]

Up with birds

Changed the hysterical Christmas branch in something…less hysterical.My dear aunt made the cute little wooden birdhouses for the dinner table with Christmas, the birds flew over and I guess they liked the spot, ‘cause they’ve never leaved since. Have a lovely weekend!

The first studio shot

Cat is meowing for attention (hard to ignore)Trying to fight a food ramble that’s lasting for over a day now (cold outside means hungry inside)Love is still at his workNeed to clean the bathroom But the only thing I want to do is curl up at the couch and watch Law&Order all night. Eat everything […]

Changing the Season decorations

It’s so funny how almost everybody, after celebrating the holidays, sighs “The first thing I did was getting rid of all those decorations in our home, out with the tree, in the tidy and space again.” I did exactly the same. At once, mostly right after Christmas, I get fed up with everything holiday-related in […]