Artikelen door Marlous

A kitchen with a view

I am deeply, madly and truly in love with my cupboard. If I would be 13 and it would have a more handable size, I would take it to bed every night. In case of fire, it would be the first thing I would save…along with my Love, Molly and the rabbits…which would be quite […]

A small midnight post about the shop

(I am trying to write this post in the middle of the night, with a loudly purring cat lying on my left arm…and…yes…it’s already sleeping…not the cat..the arm.) I didn’t write about the shop for ages, just because I seem to be making only Hermione’s and Little unicorn’s for my dear customers at the moment. […]

The Vintage Embroidery Wall-Panel Tutorial

No…still ain’t got a better, shorter name for that one! But here it finally is, the tutorial which results in something like this:This is a wall panel made of vintage embroideries, the ones I always take home with me when I find them at a thriftshop. (It always makes me sad, that all those hours […]

Allow myself to introduce..myself

My creative interactive cyber guru, Diana, started along with a collegue this lovely new blog called Mamamarketing (it’s in Dutch, but the graphics are totally worth to take a peek too). I’m not a mama, but I do very much like their tips, tricks and tools about marketing a small creative business. Last week they […]

Covering the angles

The studio is L-shaped, so it’s difficult to cover all it’s angles in one picture. This is what I see when I walk into the room. Needless to say I love bright colors, but to avoid epileptical attacks when entering our home, I managed to paint just one wall in a bold color. I decided […]