Artikelen door Marlous

There and back again

We are back from our big road trip through Utah, U.S. We visited about every National Park that’s there to visit, we couldn’t get enough of it. Made so many pictures, it’s insane. For old times sake, we spent the last couple of days in San Francisco, a city you should visit at least once […]

Here’s to you, Mrs. Wilbers

Mrs. Wilbers has been a very busy bee. I bought four of her embroideries and that wasn’t even everything she made (I could have taken them all home, but I didn’t have a good reason to take home, for example, a giant Bernadine embroidery ;-))Makes me wonder why all her hard work ended up in […]

Three Happy Years

What husband takes you thrifting for your anniversary?My husband.He made a list with thriftshops and made me choose which I wanted to visit. Fortunately for him, one of the thriftshops I chose had a huge vintage records section. We can now listen to old James Bond and Miami Vice soundtracks on our Secretly-Not-S0-Vintage-Recordplayer.I think even […]

Our Sunny Dutch home on Apartment Therapy

…no wonder Molly doesn’t want to leave the house. According to Apartment Therapy, it’s already very sunny inside. A warm welcome for those who are new here! (The former owners painted the house in typical Dutch dark brown 80s colours, so painting the outside timberwork is a major project that needs to be executed this […]

A little surprise in our garden

We’re being indulged with days full of sunshine and warmth and blue skies in The Netherlands.We’ve been spending every spare minute outside, enjoying the sun, the animals that run free through the garden (although Molly had a close encounter with Haas this weekend, they’re almost the same size and Molly didn’t felt very comfortable with […]