Artikelen door Marlous

Thriftin’ and dreamin’

Kokeshi dolls, Star Wars and kitschy statues… Over the past years, I’ve developed an obsession for a list of strange things that don’t seem to be connected in any kind, except that they’re all liked by me. Last week I’ve added two more vintage kokeshi dolls to my already bigger than average collection, the week […]


Problem is not that you decide to take in a new piece of vintage furniture… the problem is that on that exact spot there’s another piece of furniture that needs to make room for the new one.But since you’re very attached to that piece of furniture too, it needs a new spot.The new spot is […]

Swans, greyhounds and Lisa

Last Sunday I visited the Swanmarket at the ROTABS Stylecenter in Rotterdam. And I almost got home with one picture of some flowers and a bunch of greyhounds. (Because, I’m crazy of greyhounds. In fact, if I would ever get a dog it would be a pug or a greyhound and the greyhound would be […]

Ladies and Gentleman, we have a winner

Deary me, I’ve been so busy (and so absent here)! In the upcoming posts I’ll let you know what I’ve been up to (besides working at my regular job and doing a lot of boring housekeeping…the two things I won’t post about, unless I’d want this blog to be the borest one in the entire […]

Guess how much I love you

With a sugary title like this, you can of course guess the post is about little Molly. She’s sound asleep at my desk in my studio, the only way to shoot a non-moved picture of her. Many times, I compare her to a little dog, she follows me around the house, never leaves my side […]