Artikelen door Marlous

Our Alpine cabin

All of a sudden, I feel strangely attracted to the so called Alpine theme. I ran across this old print in a thriftshop and it already sorta conquered a place next to my bedstand. Don’t it’s colours match perfectly with the Studio Ditte wallpaper? Also, I never feel comfortable with hanging pictures half across wallpaper, […]

Obsessions and how they roll

Yes, I am gonna annoy you with more reveries of my kokeshi obsession. This time I’m going right back to the beginning or the birth of my fixation for Japanese wooden dolls. Hoarding behaviour of this kind often gets triggered by something somewhere in the past. It’s a bit inception-like *): a tiny grain of seed is […]

Gestures of love

Two requests for wedding cake toppers this week. I love making them and I love how every bride (yes, it’s still mostly the bride that orders them! ;-)) has her own sweet or funny customization requests. There once was this bride that called her boyfriend “Bear” and she requested if I could make the groom […]

The Moving Cat picture

Do you know those pictures of beautiful homes with a cat that’s moving through the picture (a bit like this one here)? Every cat owner knows that the one thing that is not feasable with cats is managing them. Those people know too that shooting a picture of a cat on the move at the right moment at the right […]

New U.S. Polaroids

 I took my Harry Potter Polaroid camera (common known as a Fujifilm Instax 210) with me during our trip through Utah, Nevada and Arizona last April. America is such a photogenic country and even more when you look to it through a Polaroid camera lense! I love the pictures I took so much, that the […]