Artikelen door Marlous

Racing stripes

I could not resist this little fellow. I’m gonna replace the silly bamboostick that got in the place of his former handles and I’m gonna give him a good clean. And I’m gonna love him for the rest of his days, because he’s so darn cute. I’ve always wanted a rocking zebra when I was […]


I wasn’t a huge fan of the colour brown. But combined with vivid colours, brown becomes beautiful, a thing designers perfectly understood in the 60s and 70s. Every time I stumble upon a piece from those era’s, I’m stunned by the wild colour combinations they used back then. I’m a bit of a nerd, so […]

Our white brick home

There was one thing we were absolutely, one hundred percent sure about when we went on our Quest-For-A-New-Home last year. We would not, I repeat, not buy a home build with white bricks. In our humble opinion, people who lived in a white brick home were idiots and above that, had no taste. They had […]


The little girl in me still loves statues of animals (mostly dangerously on the edge of kitsch). My eyes for detail love the look of flowers on old crockery, preferably those very detailed ones like the one on the teapot above. I love colors, but I couldn’t live in a home with walls painted in […]

Marie-Claire Idées

I’ve been saying (or should I say threatening?) that I want to buy a sewing-machine for ages. Since my attempts to learn myself to knit and crochet ended up in two major disillusions, I reckoned that, since I am good with machines (read: computers) I should be able to work with a sewing-machine. And even […]