Artikelen door Marlous

Summer goodness or Molly Sunday

For Molly every day is a Sunday. When I leave the house for Things That Need To Be Done I often feel jealous of her, seeing her lying on a chair, sound asleep without a single care or worry in her world. Today we finally had a quit Sunday since weeks. So we sat next […]

The Hermione Prototype

My Love gave me the book ‘Misfit‘ about Hella Jongerius’ work as a present. Most foreign people know Jongerius for her design of the PS Jonsberg vases and wall hangings for Ikea, furthermore she’s one of the most influential Dutch designers of our time (and that still doesn’t do enough justice to her enormous efforts […]

La douce France

This weekend we went on a short trip to France. We did what you’re supposed to do when you’re in France: we strolled along the shore, ate smelly cheeses (well I did, the smellier the better!) and visited Boulogne (a wonderful French town, but really, all the places in France have this kind of pitturesque-ness […]


Larie! (loosely translated as Gibberish!) is one of my favourite Dutch labels at the moment. Me and Alja (the sweet and super funny lady behind the label) have been Tweeps for a while and a couple of months ago she invited me to visit her at her lovely Larie! studio for a real Tweetup. *) […]

Blossom in Summer and another give-away

I replaced the once blooming and now terribly dry (and bit sad) branches I kept in the Jonsberg vase with this fake bouquet. The most fun about fake flowers is that you can put together all kinds of flowers that, in real life, would never bloom in the same period. Furthermore, the search for flowers […]