Artikelen door Marlous


When I finally got the space to take home a Ikea Trollsta sideboard, it had disappeared from the collection. And what didn’t help either by processing this loss is that I am going through a yellow stage at the moment. I-had-to-have-it. I’ve been praying upon it since, browsing the internet, e-mailing people on Marktplaats (our […]


Little bear is one of the creatures I’ll be adding to the shop when it opens again. I’m very into cute pink cheeks at the moment, so it was no surprise that little bear turned out to be a bit of a blushy guy (or girl? I’m not sure yet!) too. The pattern needs some […]

Thrifting Sewing Photographing Dreaming

I’m currently filling my days with my favourite activities. I sew, take pictures, thrift and dream. Listen to fab music (for example Soul Steppin’ with a selection of the most fab 80s soulmusic), meet up with friends and go out for dinner. And count my blessings. I shot this picture with our new camera. Have […]


Our new camera arrived this week and we’re both as happy as two little children can be. With every new discovered feature we (well, mostly me) go Oooooeee and Aaaaah (25MB for one RAW picture? Oeoeoeoeoe! Creative filters? Aaaaaah!) Even though I grew up in an era of fast developing techniques, I’m still so very […]

An apple a day give-away

Writing this post reminds me of something that happened at one of my first jobs (I was so young and blue, but back then I felt, so to speak, I possessed wisdom and no one could tell me otherwise). At that office we worked with those old-school little tape-recorders and my job was basically working […]