Artikelen door Marlous


I found this air-drying clay in a craftshop and I can’t stop making new little items with it, it’s such cool stuff! I cut out these droplets from a flattened piece of clay, punched a little hole in them and hung ‘em in the window with thin fish wire. This clay is paintable, but for […]

Rather mannish

May I say that it’s a helluva job to decorate a man’s room? Not that my Love is the kind of man that freaks out when he has to sit on a pink cushion, not at all! This whole decorate a room in a rather mannish way was my own (stupid) idea. And now that […]

Count your blessings

Our little nephew made us a beautiful rabbit’s den at school. We’re so proud of him, he even got the colours of our meatballs (who he loves) right. (And to be honest, it almost made me cry that he made something especially for us). Needless to say we love him to bits, we’re blessed to […]

A very early DIY Christmas tree

I found the super-easy tutorial for this sweet Christmas tree on Pinterest (where else?). It’s made with circular shaped pieces of felt, I made this one for my cousin (guess which colours are her favourite?). Look for the tutorial here. (I collect cool ’n easy DIY projects (and lots more) on my Pinterest boards. You […]

Work – Silence

I’ve mentioned it a thousand times already, but oh, I love my quiet workdays. Those days when I can tick things off my long to do lists. When I can drink as much coffee as I like (I really should cut back with that strong Italian coffee though, it makes me behave like a Chipmunk….RRRRRRRRR) […]