Artikelen door Marlous

The Flavourites loot

At Flavourites Michelle and I had this super nice chat with Marian, the owner of a shop called The South is Blooming. She sells ethically traded contemporary craft and design from South-Africa, like this crocheted cactus. I have a soft spot for these kind of quirky home accessoiries, so I took this one home. It […]

I love doodle!

I’ve been eying up Lim Heng Swee’s shop I love doodle for ages and was finally able to choose one of his supercool designs for our home. This print is both funny and smart and I love the Japanese inspired waves in the fish that are also it’s scales. According to my Love I’ve suffered […]

Sunday rest

Molly takes her Sunday (and Monday and Tuesday and…) rest very seriously (and practices her skills as professional book end in the meantime). Molly neemt de zondagsrust (een maandagsrust en dinsdagrust…) Zeer Serieus (en oefent haar boekensteun vaardigheden in de tussentijd).


I’ve been a fan of Erika’s work for a long time, so you can imagine how my heart made a happy little jump when she was into swapping some deer of mine for some of her handmade ornaments. This lady surely knows how to wrap things beautifully and I must say, if the package had […]

Count your blessings

Having fun making my new blogheader and discovering that a lot of new people found my blog over the past months, so nice! Since a lot of you are Dutch, I’ve decided to write my posts in Dutch again too. Reading old yellow paged ‘Gouden Beertjes’ books. Dinnerparties with friends. Four days off with my […]