Artikelen door Marlous

Merry Christmas!

Dear all!  Wishing you and your loved ones a very, very merry Christmas! Lieve allemaal!  Hele fijne en gezellige kerstdagen toegewenst, samen met degenen die jullie lief zijn!

The lampshade tree

I carried the December edition of 101 Woonideeën around like a toddler with it’s favourite plushie. The article with a DIY for a tree made with stripped lampshades was my beacon for about four weeks, I could’t sleep of it, so eager was I to make one myself. (Sometimes I feel this urge to throw […]

Count your blessings

These weeks are all about counting off. Last days at work, last days before Christmas. Someone gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers to say goodbye. Such kind gestures make my heart melt. A nice ‘unplanned’ evening with family and a dinner party (the unexpected get-togethers are the best!). Spending one whole day at my […]

I’m loving angels instead

I’m smitten with Alice Apple’s colourful and fun work. This angel reminds me of the Scandinavian Christmas decorations my parents took home from their holidays in the 70s. (Quite understandably, no matter how hard I try, they won’t let me have those! ;-)) I was the lucky bastard that grabbed the last felt angel before […]


Two more workdays and I’m officially Absent With Offical Leave. I’m sitting here, next to the Love of my life, Molly on my lap, listening to music, wondering what the future holds for me.  I’m so excited to start living my new life. Nog twee werkdagen, dan ben ik officieel statenloos.Nu zit ik hier, met […]