Artikelen door Marlous

I owe you this one

There you go, a picture of the whole plastic flower-swan-pot (or swan-flowerpot, whatever you like). I can’t help it, I love her in her all her kitschy-plasticness. Apparently we live in a world with factories that make plastic swans and with shops that stock them. Wow, isn’t that just wonderful? (And yes, we gave her […]

Count your blessings

Blessed! Sweet presents: my dear friend Michelle gave me the porcelain origami owl, the little tablecloth with angels is one of the many presents I received from Iris. She sent me this box with all kinds of devine thriftfinds, it felt like Christmas! The angels are especially dear to me, at home with Christmas we […]

Birds of Paradise

Two finds from very different era’s, but with one of my favourite themes: birds. I found the Cote d’Or tin when I didn’t expect to find anything that day in that thriftshop. Needless to explain why I love it so much. The plastic swan is a flower pot. I bumped into it with my husband […]

Paint it white

We just couldn’t decide what colour to give the unpainted stairs. We considered every kind of covering possible, from wood to rubber (!). We even considered to just varnish it, because we (well, I) liked it in it’s rough and uncovered state. In the end, we went for the most cheap and (I guess) best […]

Building an image

Building images (in the literal matter of speaking) is what I love to do since I was a little girl. It’s almost meditating: adding and removing items until I’m content with the result. In a different life I would be a curator. But then again, since I’m only might not be too late for […]