Artikelen door Marlous

Count your blessings

An extra long weekend with my Love, shopping, eating, reading. And the sun that finally came out this morning. Delightful. Een extra lang weekend met mijn Lief, beetje winkelen, lekker eten, tijdschriften lezen met een kop koffie erbij (bij voorkeur in een leuk koffietentje). En dan de zon die eindelijk weer schijnt. Alles is goudkleurig, […]

A 1000 kranes around my neck

I have a huge collection of scarves. I love something that keeps my neck (and the muscles there) warm, especially during the cold season. I found this one at Sissy-Boy and it contains everything a Good Scarf needs: good colour, cool print, it’s long and lightweight. And if there’s actually a 1000 kranes on it, […]


Yesterday Monsieur Felix (Diana’s little brother, little only because it sounds sweet (and he is!) and I went on a thrifttour through Nijmegen. In one of the stores, there was this basket filled with deer skulls and even though I think it’s a macabre thing and I can’t imagine why someone would want to kill […]

Great expectations

Today my Etsy shop will open again. And even though I planned to sew a huge pile of stock this time, it didn’t work out that way. But not to worry, there’s still plenty to choose from and you can of course e-mail me for custom orders! Must be off now, see you soon in […]

The eye of the tiger

I’ve been playing with Molly while taking pictures of her (or playing and trying to take pictures of her). This was quite a challenging project, because A. Molly sleeps most of the bright part of the day and B. if she’s awake she only wants to cuddle, which makes it very hard to take pictures […]