Artikelen door Marlous

A Fido fine

Over the past few years, Diana became a dear friend and a rolemodel to me. Despite the fact that she works for four different (creative) businesses and that she has a family (and isn’t secretive about the fact that that’s often a tough combination to balance), she is tirelessly supporting me to chase my dreams, […]

Playing around part II

One great idea I found on my endless sessions on the internet is using a painted canvas for pictures as a background. This works especially well for close-up pictures and so I’ve been playing a bit with this canvas I painted with leftovers of the green in our hallway and a piece of salvaged wood. […]

Winter wonders

I bought the Darling Clementine tray with a major discount at Emma B. in Utrecht last weekend (which made me very happy, the thrill of a new purchase can make me even ten times more excited when I pay a fraction of it’s original price. It’s really addictive). When I added it to the other […]

Sunday morning

This Sunday we take it slow. Our funny Meatballs explore the snow and nibble on the frozen plants in our garden (during these cold nights they moved into a nice comfortable loft in our garage, 1.04F (-17C) is even for bunnies too cold, despite their thick fur coats). Of course the prize for Most Relaxed […]

Playing around

For (one of the many) plans I have for my (still not entirely clear) future, I’ve been making moodboards with different sorts of media (plain cutting&glueing, photographing and Photoshopping). It made me realise again how much I love making those. Here a picture of the many selections I made, it’s so cool how the look […]