Artikelen door Marlous

About inspiration..and being alone

Now I’m two months without a job, trying to discover what kind of business I want to start, I thought it would be time to share my findings and feelings with you. Maybe these words will encourage those of you that are in the same position, or maybe I write this to encourage myself….’cause, and […]

Getting back on track

Our home got a bit of an oriental touch after the Great dig up of Heavenly Treasures. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to put this gorgeous embroidery next to our telly. Instead of paying attention to the program I’m watching, I keep getting distracted by the wonderful image. That’s no problem when watching Perry […]

Around the earth…on the couch

Since the flu and I ain’t going anywhere and since I have watched every Perry Mason episode ever recorded (the highest level of entertainment I can handle at the moment), I’m passing my time with reading (and flipping through) books. I finished The house of special purpose by John Boyne (love his books) and I’m […]


A new addition to the yellow shelf. Anki and Martine infected me with the girl-with-rabbit-statue virus! Speaking of viruses, I picked up some nasty virus myself and not only I feel like I have been run over by a train, my feverish brain is supressing my mood with all kinds of discouraging thoughts. So I’m […]

Heaven must be missing a thriftfind

Heaven must be missing some thriftfinds. When photographing them, the sun peeked through the clouds, casting a ray of light on the scene. Now this is what I call utter vintage divineness. De hemel moet wat meubilair missen. Het tafereel werd bijgeschenen door de zon die ineens door het wolkendek brak.Dit noem ik nou vintage […]