Artikelen door Marlous

Happiness is a roll of tape

Bit by bit, the computerroom is turning into a pretty space and a great place to work in. We mounted a shelf (too bad Ikea removed the cool colours of the Lack shelves from the collection) and I grouped a couple of favourite pieces on it. (After our two removals, I keep unpacking things I […]

If you believe they put a man on the moon

The Moon Man by Martin Krusche is a big hit and I keep wondering why. Is it his pink cheeks? His friendly appearance? The combination of the picture of a real moon with graphics? His moustache? His freckles? I guess it’s the whole package (that must be one of the laimest explanations, like when you […]

Count your blessings

So much blessings! Snailmail from Martine, Dee Amanda and my parents (nothing compares to the thrill of a beautiful envelope on your doormat). Eline Pellinkhof naming my blog as one of her favourite reads in 101 Woonideeën (thanks so much, Eline!). All the fabulous help I get from my sweet friends Diana and Michelle. A […]

Completely drained…but so happy

Ten wonderful ladies learned how to make my mounted deer head today (with major help of Lisa, in whose beautiful shop this first workshop ever took place). It was quite intense, teaching other people how to make one of my designs. I was nervous the afternoon would end in a major disappointment for the course […]