Artikelen door Marlous

Winners and weddingdresses

He’s my North, my South, my East and WestMy working week and my Sunday restMy noon, my midnight, my talk, my song… W.H. Auden (quote from the most sad but beautiful poem he ever wrote) Today is our weddingday. Now that you all so kindly shared your favourite party stories with me, let me share […]

To conquer the world

I have no idea why you would want to combine a pencil sharpener with a globe, but one way or another, some factory makes them (probably the same factory where the plastic swan planter is made). A while ago I visited a carboot sale where this man sold the most beautiful vintage globes, but asked […]

Unofficial taxidermy Lego deer

Well…that’s a mouthful! This very cool Lego deer is designed by David Cole with existing Lego pieces. Me and my mounted deer obsession had to have it! Da’s een mondvol voor zo’n klein hertje, maar man wat vind ik deze leuk. Hij is ontworpen door David Cole met doodgewone Lego stukjes. Ik en mijn hertenhoofden […]

Count your blessings

Last Friday I finally met Anki and Iris in real life, it was so wonderful to meet them in person! What a lovely afternoon! Molly recovered quickly from her surgery, but for a moment I thought she’d never wake up from her drugged, deep sleep yesterday. After the wonky, let’s-try-to-jump-on-furniture-with-a-drunk-head stage, she became her meowing, […]

Fingers crossed

Such a delight to read all your happy stories about your favourite parties! Keep them coming! Thanks so much for all your sweet comments on the new blog-appearance. (Keep those coming too (haha)!) Today just a couple of nice sunny pictures. We’re a bit nervous, tomorrow Molly goes to the vet to get some sore […]