Artikelen door Marlous


Happy Easter y’all! (If you follow me on Instagram, my mother knitted some very cool Easter eggs you really wouldn’t want to miss!)Fijne Pasen allemaal! (Als je me volgt op Instagram, mijn moeder breide geweldige Paaseieren die je niet wil missen!) En nu het toch Pasen is: lees hier nog eens mijn mini-interview met 101 […]

This collection of curiosities

A while ago we visited Naturalis in Leiden. (Remember this post about a bizarre museum we visited in Saint-Petersburg? Naturalis is it’s Dutch version..but less gruesome and with better preserved animals). It inspired me to give this corner in my studio a Natural Historic theme. What do you think, would I be ready to ask […]

Lauwe pattas

Lauwe pattas is slang for cool shoes. I’m becoming a bit of a (preferably) sneaker collector, they come in so many great original shapes and designs! These were sold with a major discount (you know I’m a discount fan), so these goodies and baddies comic All Stars (though one size too large) had to come […]

Our temporarily pimped garden

Last week a stylist and photographer visited us to take pictures of our home for a magazine that will appear somewhere this Summer. Now, the pictures needed a Summery and outdoorish feel and unfortunately, our garden is still a project that’s on our to do list (it’s current bleak state really bugs me). So I […]

Every cloud has a Silverblue lining

Now that we mounted the Zilverblauw posters, the computerroom is finally finished (as far as a room in our home ever is finished, that is). It’s kinda needless to say that I love Anki and Casper’s new postercollection, I love their sense of aesthetic. Grouped together, these posters are an even bigger pleasure to look […]