Artikelen door Marlous

Big girl you are beautiful

I’m one of those persons who doesn’t read the descriptions at Etsy products very well (shame-on-me). So you can imagine the surprise when I unpacked this kokeshi and discovered it’s 8,5″ tall! I took the Marimekko paper from the Crate and Barrel shop in New York. Apparantly there’s a collaboration between both brands that goes […]

What memories are made of

I’m back from my great trip to the U.S. I went to New England, the area where the English colonists started their separation from the reign of the United Kingdom and eventually declared themselves independent (roughly, I will not annoy you with some longwinded history lesson). A very interesting and above all, beautiful part of […]


I’m taking a blogbreak for a week or two! I’m travelling through the north of United States with my cousin (my poor Love is staying home to work work work and to give Molly her much needed TLC of course..that’s secretly the main reason why he had to stay home, haha). These pictures where taken […]

Strike a pose

Molly in her favourite poses: sitting/sleeping (on something I need..keyboard/notebook/magazine/book/remote). Molly in haar favoriete houdingen: zittend/slapend (bovenop iets wat ik op dat moment nodig heb… toetsenbord/blocnote/tijdschrift/boek/afstandsbediening).

Royal Copley

Etsy is still such a great place to rummage through if you’re on the lookout for (Europeanly speaking) exotic second hand things. Like this vase of Royal Copley: being a brand manufactured in Ohio, U.S, one can probably buy this vase on every thriftcorner there, here in Europe that would be a whole different story. […]