Artikelen door Marlous

A very nerve-wracking but little project

It took me one whole weekend (one-whole-weekend) to design new businesscards ánd to be happy with the result. The printed cards didn’t exactly turn out the way I expected – the colours aren’t as bright as they appeared on my computerscreen, which is probably a major rookie failure – but it’s way better than my […]

Scenes from a private life

Being at home makes me so happy.Molly’s sweet paws (…her little tongue sticking out)Colours in our kitchenand flowers in bright coloured pots. Ons huis maakt me blij, het is zo fijn om thuis te zijn.Molly’s lieve zachte pootjes en haar naar buiten piepende tongetje.Kleur in onze keukenen bloemen in felgekleurde potjes.

Nice new books

During my trip through New England I collected a couple of lovely books (nothing nicer than visiting a foreign bookstore). I found this great book about drawing (cute) animals, a book about Frida Kahlo’s wardrobe (pictures of her newly restored clothing paired with historic photos of her wearing them) and a book of Jonathan Adler […]

Charley Harper

I found this übercute Puffer Fish dish at Fishs Eddy, a very cool shop in New York. They sell this range of dinnerware with designs by Charley Harper, too bad I couldn’t take them all home! Ik vond dit überlieve schaaltje met Kogelvis bij Fishs Eddy, een hele gave winkel in New York. Ze verkochten […]

The Queensday loot

Last Sunday afternoon I visited the biggest annual Dutch thriftevent called Vrijmarkt during Queensday (do you still follow?) in Utrecht. Now you see, even though we Dutch are cramped with 16 million souls in the tiniest corner of this planet, I’m still not used to crowds. And crowdy…it was that Sunday. In fact, it was […]