Artikelen door Marlous

A very special kokeshi

Finding a kokeshi in the Netherlands isn’t easy. Finding a vintage kokeshi in a Dutch thriftshop..well, wasn’t going to happen (I thought). But if you find that vintage kokeshi…in a Dutch thriftshop…and then give it away…well that’s just more than fabulous. A while ago, when checking Instagram, I received a message and picture from Iris: […]

Save the date!

One of the main reasons my Etsy shop will stay closed for the upcoming Summer is that, after months of hard work, I’m now in the most important stage of this adventure of mine: the next couple of months I will be working on my business plan and thus on the official start-up of Planet […]

Snork Maiden

We added two more nicknames to the long list of Molly’s aliases. Now, Snork Maiden is of course a character from Tove Jansson’s Moomin tales. But, when Molly is in her deepest sleep, she snores. It’s so cute. And therefore we now call her Snork Maiden. Or, ‘A very hungry caterpillar’ (the title of Eric […]

Workspace 3.0

I mounted some Ikea Ribba shelves above my desk  so now I can cramp even more junk into this space. Oh happy days! Speaking of Ikea, our home was featured in Ikea Live Mag. So cool! So, if you’re new here: Hello! :-) Ik hing een paar Ribba plankjes boven mijn bureauzodat ik nóg meer […]

Just a perfect day

Just a perfect day, yesterday. Caroline, Diana, Erika, Michelle and me met up in this beautiful place. The sun was shining, there was great food, it was so nice to meet up again with these like-minded ladies. To me, the world seemed perfect there at that moment in that beautiful garden. Een buitenkans, gisteren. Ik […]