Artikelen door Marlous

Going out

My Love and I took a day off last week. We went shopping and thrifting for a bit, we drank coffee, we ate was just so nice to be out (‘cause, I’m not much ‘out’ lately ;-)).I bought the plastic pineapple at H&M. Inside there’s bodylotion to which I’m probably terribly allergic. I liked […]

My theory about peonies

It’s terribly cliché to blog about peonies. On the other hand: why not write about something so simply beautiful? I love their smell, the way the tiny buds explode into this spectacle of unfolded leaves, I love their soft poudry colours… And maybe, they’re even more interesting because they’re not available the whole year, like […]

That moment….

…when everything comes together…. …now let’s be honest…things don’t work for me that way. I didn’t see the light, there was no ‘Aha Erlebnis’ like the Germans so nicely put it. The idea for the magazine slowly emerged and wouldn’t be here at all if it wasn’t for some fabulous people who helped me to […]

Oh Marie magazine

Those who attended Meet the Blogger yesterday might have heard the buzz already… and it’s true! I’m starting a magazine!I’m so excited to share this with you all!So much work that’s been done..and so much work that still needs to be done. To be honest, I’m so exhausted after yesterday’s inspiring, fabulous, exciting daythat I’m […]

Watch out there’s a dog about

One of the many reasons why I love my man is that he never ever judged the fact that there’s in fact a dog statue collecting granny inside of me. He bought this dog figurine from another old lady who wanted to get rid of her tacky dogs and sold them on a small second […]